day off. i am slackin. as i should be. i hate getting days off whenever they happen to fall. i always end up doin laundry and cleaning toilets. o joy.
I went to see Equilibrium. Wow. That was bad. Good intentions but next time they might want to hire a writer.
I finished reading Myths to Live By a few weeks ago. powerful, powerful stuff, it is. I read it while I was traveling the country and a lot of the stuff I read was mirrored in my day-to-day experiences on my trip. It helped to keep me focused and aware. Joseph Campbell has a way of putting things into this universal context like no other.
Oh, yeah...and the girl pirate shirt does indeed kick ass. I just finished the coolest needlepoint project as a gift for a friend. based on that design somewhat, only it's a heart with pigtails and crossbones instead of a skull. Rawk.
gonna go out tonight. i know, it is only thursday but, i feel like starting the weekend early. got a full one ahead of me too. well, my kind of full which really involves working way too much, seeing movies, hangin out with the same people... i am not just in a rut, i AM the rut
feeling unloved i
am eating popcorn dinner
dog begs but she gets
I hate this time of year for the stupidest reason. I hate making a wish list. And of course my parents bug me for it. Often. I just can never think of anything to ask for. Of course I want shit but, I dont want my parents to buy it for me cuz then I have to explain it.
i went all cult movie last night. had not done it for ages. so i went and saw the LA cast of Rocky. Good old fashioned transvestite fun. and a damn good thing I have today off.
Black Friday:
I hates it. The biggest shopping day of the year. I have always made a point to stay away from any place that sells anything... and so now that I am a retail slave, I was forced into it. Into the center of the consuming.
I am so full of contempt for the "common man". Now if I could just turn that into...
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I saw Bowling for Colmbine... how incredible. I was going to go see it anyway I swear. It was an Art theatre so they didnt give out anything you could send back as a ticket. But I dont care. The movie was worth it. Made me vow to no longer indulge in the local news media. No more sensationalism for me!
I want to see that... and I still haven't.. I'm so lazy about movies

Happy Thanksgiving
boy is on a power trip for some reason. think it's cuz he has the day off. I, however, worked all damn day and am tired and hence i am in no mood to put up with his bullshit. he just keeps getting colder and nastier. bitch.
damn i need a girl.
and where do you find one? i am so terrible at it. i have a great eye for str8 girls. and no friends to hook me up. and i dont like using my shift key.
I am slacking my sunday away. that's what happens when i get a day off. i spend all day in the living room. i think i just need to work less. sounds good to me.