Comic Book Wednesday
52 Week #11: Not bad. I'm quickly learning that although 52 isn't the highlight of most of my weeks its still pretty good. Hopefully we'll see more Black Adam based on next week's cover. B
Can someone explain to me why
Civil War #3: Great issue. I loved how the anti-registrations all got put under witness protection. The fight scenes were great and this makes me wanna get Civil War #4 ASAP. A
Civil War: X-men #1: I enjoy the concept of the 198 so its no suprise I like this. The only thing I disagree with is how the mutants are divided. I doubt Cable would be the only one pro-registartion. B+
Uncanny X-men #476: Wasn't as good as the previous issue, but I understand it's just setup. I really hope Marvel Girl gets cut loose so we can see her get back at the Shi'ar. B-
Ultimate X-men #72: I enjoyed this issue, which is a change from the last 3-4. We get to finally see some action from the Magician and the cliff hanger ending kinda pissed me off. The issue seemed way to short due to the "Masked Marvel" story, which I didn't even read. B+