Its time for...
Sadly... no review for the newest issue of Green Lantern. I've decided to drop the title, but I'll probably be picking it up again in the next month or so. So many good comics, not enough money.
Ultimate Fantastic Four #31: Decent issue. I'm sad that the whole team is leaving in one issue. Hopefully someone can fill their shoes. I still think this is the best ongoing Ultimates title (Ultimates doesn't count) B+
Ultimate Spider-man #98: How many clones are they gonna have? Hopefully this title will pick up for #100, I actually enjoyed the Morbius arc but this one isn't very good thus far. C+
52 Week 10: Yay for Black Adam and the Clark Kent story. Solid issue, looking forward to next week. I actually thought about dropping this title since its gonna cost me over $150 to collect. Oh well. B-
X-men #188: Loved it. Thought it was better then Brubaker's first issue and the Victor Creed story is interesting. A+
GL Corps #2: GLs are being picked off left and write. Not bad, but nothing special. C
Sadly... no review for the newest issue of Green Lantern. I've decided to drop the title, but I'll probably be picking it up again in the next month or so. So many good comics, not enough money.
Ultimate Fantastic Four #31: Decent issue. I'm sad that the whole team is leaving in one issue. Hopefully someone can fill their shoes. I still think this is the best ongoing Ultimates title (Ultimates doesn't count) B+
Ultimate Spider-man #98: How many clones are they gonna have? Hopefully this title will pick up for #100, I actually enjoyed the Morbius arc but this one isn't very good thus far. C+
52 Week 10: Yay for Black Adam and the Clark Kent story. Solid issue, looking forward to next week. I actually thought about dropping this title since its gonna cost me over $150 to collect. Oh well. B-
X-men #188: Loved it. Thought it was better then Brubaker's first issue and the Victor Creed story is interesting. A+
GL Corps #2: GLs are being picked off left and write. Not bad, but nothing special. C