- woke up early to go to work at my tv job (first cam assist... basically a grip w/ some gaffing)
- still feel sick, but much better from yesterday (I'll make tea tomorrow Vanessa
thanks again... you're awesome)
- get to work where its the first day for a new producer who has changed everything around and is running the show slowly (its his first day so I don't mind)
- I work w/ a new steady-cam guy... all is good
- old roommate shows up w/ a new long board (the exact one that I want to get), gets invited to Japan from the boss... which is great for him... even though he still owes me money from when he got me evicted, and to this day has not shown any emotion about what happen (huh, guess I'm still a lil bitter)
- make my phone call at lunch to my other boss... "why?" you ask... well, its b/c a woman has come in from out of town to get my statement... a statement that will get my assistant manager fired for sexual harassment (she is getting fired for harassing me at a party).... something I didn't want to do, and something I didn't really care about until my boss found out and insisted that we get her fired for it....
- work late... tired
- ride home, my friend tells me the girl I'm hanging out w/ has fallen for me... I sadly don't feel the same, and now have to have "the" conversation w/ her, which I dread b/c she is an amazing girl and its just going to hurt...
- goto other job for 2 1/4hrs (as for some reason I was booked even though I worked all day) get depressed b/c it reminds me of the harassment case...
- my friend and "the" girl come by to say hi.... more depressed... the invited me out after my shift.... I say "maybe' knowing full well that I wont...
- leave work and head to the gym at 10pm.... send friend and "the" girl a txt saying "I need to clear my head, so I went to the gym".... work out hard
- skate home
- make food n eat
- its 2316
- I'm getting up at 0610
- I work till 2300 tomorrow
- still feel sick, but much better from yesterday (I'll make tea tomorrow Vanessa

- get to work where its the first day for a new producer who has changed everything around and is running the show slowly (its his first day so I don't mind)
- I work w/ a new steady-cam guy... all is good
- old roommate shows up w/ a new long board (the exact one that I want to get), gets invited to Japan from the boss... which is great for him... even though he still owes me money from when he got me evicted, and to this day has not shown any emotion about what happen (huh, guess I'm still a lil bitter)
- make my phone call at lunch to my other boss... "why?" you ask... well, its b/c a woman has come in from out of town to get my statement... a statement that will get my assistant manager fired for sexual harassment (she is getting fired for harassing me at a party).... something I didn't want to do, and something I didn't really care about until my boss found out and insisted that we get her fired for it....
- work late... tired
- ride home, my friend tells me the girl I'm hanging out w/ has fallen for me... I sadly don't feel the same, and now have to have "the" conversation w/ her, which I dread b/c she is an amazing girl and its just going to hurt...
- goto other job for 2 1/4hrs (as for some reason I was booked even though I worked all day) get depressed b/c it reminds me of the harassment case...
- my friend and "the" girl come by to say hi.... more depressed... the invited me out after my shift.... I say "maybe' knowing full well that I wont...
- leave work and head to the gym at 10pm.... send friend and "the" girl a txt saying "I need to clear my head, so I went to the gym".... work out hard
- skate home
- make food n eat
- its 2316
- I'm getting up at 0610
- I work till 2300 tomorrow
sounds like your brain is just as much of a mess as mine these days....
thanks for the email, i want one sooooooooooooooo bad.
as everyone keeps telling me, think positive!
i'm also working out again to burn off that steam