as you're reading this, know that it is my forth attempt at writing it...
my first attempt was the day before yesterday, where I talked about my lazy sunday of gaming... the second was yesterday afternoon, where I talked about how bored I was, and how the most exciting thing that had happened was a visit from a census officer.... which leads us to last night..... well, my day changed considerably....
1 1/2 weeks ago
For three days I had come home from work to find that I had missed out on receiving a package. Of course they try to deliver it during work hours, when everyone is, get this, at work!!!
These little yellow notices however pleasant (as everyone loves receiving packages), puzzled me a little; as I had not ordered anything. To make matters more interesting, the notice informed me that I owed $2.09 for shipping.
Confused and intrigued, I do some searching on the interweb to find out what to do about this package.... cutting to the chase.... they were going to send the package back (b/c they couldn't contact me), but they said that they would hold it for another week if I could pick it up at their (unbeknown to me) remote location...
1 week ago:
My old roommate Ange sent me some picts that were taken when she was living here... one of them is of me reading that photography book I had mentioned in an older journal entry.... I was really happy w/ this picture b/c when you zoomed in, you could see the name of the photographer. This was a key piece in the puzzle of finding this book, as I had enjoined reading it and wanted to finish doing so....

6 days ago:
I know two people from Texas... and boLth of them are amazing.... one of them still lives there, and the other WAS living here......
Now six days ago, the other Texan, lil Miss redmess (quite possible one of the most fascinating/interesting people I've met in Vancouver) leaves our fair city to follow her dream. She's on her way to move back to the desert (w/ dry air, goats, and some chickens); which is fantastic, and I wish her all the best.... w/ that said, its sad that she had to go, and will be missed dearly.
The kicker here is that her departure was coupled w/ a phone call.
This phone call was from my employer.
This call was to inform that he couldn't afford to keep paying me my salary.
This call was to tell me that I was laid off...
This was a bad day... which lead up to several days of job searching, and quiet introspection...
Finally, w/ much ado, we (my friend Jesse came for the adventure) head out to our local UPS headquarters... this HQ in question is in a rather industrial area, and by the time we left it was getting late.... after a short train ride, and a longer bus ride (a ride full of speculation as to what this package could be) we find it.... we run inside, get in line, and wait, and wait, and wait some more. Eventually I get up front, hand in my card, show my ID, and the lady runs off to get my "6lb" package... we head outside, and I commence to hack this box open to see what's inside.... and as I open the flaps of the box I see this...

The look of shock on my face stopped Jesse in his tracks.... I quickly explain the story of how:
- I was reading this book in a lil shop the other day,
- I didn't get a chance to finish it,
- I was looking for it, but couldn't find it b/c I didn't know the photographers name, etc....
the rest of the evening doesn't matter at this point... it doesn't matter that we missed the next bus, it doesn't matter that we had to walk the long around to find another bus, it doesn't matter that I was to distracted to make supper, it doesn't matter that I passed out on the floor while reading this book (which prolonged this journal entry ANOTHER day and forced me to edit it, again)
what does matter is that for the past few days, I've been down and out; and this random act of kindness has cheered me up exponentially. I actually feel motivated again, I feel light on my feet, I feel happy.....
Thanks Asilanne, I appreciate it allot...
my first attempt was the day before yesterday, where I talked about my lazy sunday of gaming... the second was yesterday afternoon, where I talked about how bored I was, and how the most exciting thing that had happened was a visit from a census officer.... which leads us to last night..... well, my day changed considerably....
1 1/2 weeks ago
For three days I had come home from work to find that I had missed out on receiving a package. Of course they try to deliver it during work hours, when everyone is, get this, at work!!!
These little yellow notices however pleasant (as everyone loves receiving packages), puzzled me a little; as I had not ordered anything. To make matters more interesting, the notice informed me that I owed $2.09 for shipping.
Confused and intrigued, I do some searching on the interweb to find out what to do about this package.... cutting to the chase.... they were going to send the package back (b/c they couldn't contact me), but they said that they would hold it for another week if I could pick it up at their (unbeknown to me) remote location...
1 week ago:
My old roommate Ange sent me some picts that were taken when she was living here... one of them is of me reading that photography book I had mentioned in an older journal entry.... I was really happy w/ this picture b/c when you zoomed in, you could see the name of the photographer. This was a key piece in the puzzle of finding this book, as I had enjoined reading it and wanted to finish doing so....

6 days ago:
I know two people from Texas... and boLth of them are amazing.... one of them still lives there, and the other WAS living here......
Now six days ago, the other Texan, lil Miss redmess (quite possible one of the most fascinating/interesting people I've met in Vancouver) leaves our fair city to follow her dream. She's on her way to move back to the desert (w/ dry air, goats, and some chickens); which is fantastic, and I wish her all the best.... w/ that said, its sad that she had to go, and will be missed dearly.
The kicker here is that her departure was coupled w/ a phone call.
This phone call was from my employer.
This call was to inform that he couldn't afford to keep paying me my salary.
This call was to tell me that I was laid off...
This was a bad day... which lead up to several days of job searching, and quiet introspection...
Finally, w/ much ado, we (my friend Jesse came for the adventure) head out to our local UPS headquarters... this HQ in question is in a rather industrial area, and by the time we left it was getting late.... after a short train ride, and a longer bus ride (a ride full of speculation as to what this package could be) we find it.... we run inside, get in line, and wait, and wait, and wait some more. Eventually I get up front, hand in my card, show my ID, and the lady runs off to get my "6lb" package... we head outside, and I commence to hack this box open to see what's inside.... and as I open the flaps of the box I see this...

The look of shock on my face stopped Jesse in his tracks.... I quickly explain the story of how:
- I was reading this book in a lil shop the other day,
- I didn't get a chance to finish it,
- I was looking for it, but couldn't find it b/c I didn't know the photographers name, etc....
the rest of the evening doesn't matter at this point... it doesn't matter that we missed the next bus, it doesn't matter that we had to walk the long around to find another bus, it doesn't matter that I was to distracted to make supper, it doesn't matter that I passed out on the floor while reading this book (which prolonged this journal entry ANOTHER day and forced me to edit it, again)
what does matter is that for the past few days, I've been down and out; and this random act of kindness has cheered me up exponentially. I actually feel motivated again, I feel light on my feet, I feel happy.....
Thanks Asilanne, I appreciate it allot...
Its so weird when you find yourself in one of those situations when your so happy about whats happening for another person and so sad because of what it will cost you (having them around) and the job thing well.......that just sucks. Ive decided to save my silver dollars instead of my nickles (since all us southern belles have silver dollars) so that dish washer/cat_player_with position could be opening up very soon!
oh and..........I'm really glad you like it, and so sorry it was such a pain in the ass to get (boo on UPS, BOO((and yes I am shaking my fist rapidly in the air))) but sometimes having to really work for something makes it all the sweeter.
That was long......should I email it instead......thinking........thinking......nah.