best day!!!
I get up after my 13hr sleep of exhaustion, and head up town to put my check in the bank, and take a bunch out for rent and such.... after that I walk through a street fair that's being set up on 6th&6th... I proceed onward to get myself a samich and a couple other things.... then another errand and back home...
home... relax, game abit, email, etc.... until Rich had to drive everyone uptown.... so I tag along, w/ the intent of going to mec, then meeting Rich at his work.... so, he dropped me off, I borrow Rich's long board and off I go....
I skate all over the place... I go WAY past mec, but I didn't care, it was nice, and I had music, and all was good.... I get to mec, to pick up my Nalgene... and then I buy a new pack, cr123 batteries for my super flashlight, a camel back, and a book on bouldering.... I've decided that I can't be trusted in that store.... so I leave and skate around, and gradually head towards Rich's work....
On my way I meet up w/ some other long boarders, we stop, chat, they give me directions, tell me to go over some bridge by GM Place, so I do... and it was awesome.... I then skate down around GM Place b/c I know of a huge parking lot that I can skate in (as I've worked across the street from there).... so I'm skating along and all of a sudden, a skater flies out in front of me and jumps the road and crashes... I look up and see that he is being filmed.... so I stay for a bit and watch.... just as I'm leaving I hear my name being called.... its the guys I met earlier... so we hang out a bit more then I head off...
Now my directions were to go down Hastings.... for those of you who don't know, this is not a nice part of town... its interesting, and scary for some, and really not recommended for most... so I'm boarding along, and it busy, and crowed, I get off and carry the board... and then some guy comes up and asks if I want another board... I intensively say "No"... but then I think... "Yes, I want a board now too" so he brings me to his stash, and offers me "His" board for $25... I say sure, wtf.... I fumble through my pockets, being careful not to pull out all my money, as I had all my rent money w/ me.... pay the man, strap my board to my new pack (as it has straps for it) and off I go.....
I meet up w/ Rich, I get the tour of Greedy Productions, see all the sets for the shows, meet some of the people, and then get a look at all the editing equipment.... all in all, it was amazing..... Rich finishes up the piece he was working on and we head out.....
Food at WaZoos on Commercial.... then we grabbed our boards and went skating for an hour.... then I jump on the train to come home.... meet up w/ JHM, and we watch The Crow (b/c he had NEVER watched it before!!!!! crazy!!!)... and now its now....
I was going to post picts, but Rich isnt' back, and he has the camera... so here is my new wallpaper called Return to Sender by luminatii

I get up after my 13hr sleep of exhaustion, and head up town to put my check in the bank, and take a bunch out for rent and such.... after that I walk through a street fair that's being set up on 6th&6th... I proceed onward to get myself a samich and a couple other things.... then another errand and back home...
home... relax, game abit, email, etc.... until Rich had to drive everyone uptown.... so I tag along, w/ the intent of going to mec, then meeting Rich at his work.... so, he dropped me off, I borrow Rich's long board and off I go....
I skate all over the place... I go WAY past mec, but I didn't care, it was nice, and I had music, and all was good.... I get to mec, to pick up my Nalgene... and then I buy a new pack, cr123 batteries for my super flashlight, a camel back, and a book on bouldering.... I've decided that I can't be trusted in that store.... so I leave and skate around, and gradually head towards Rich's work....
On my way I meet up w/ some other long boarders, we stop, chat, they give me directions, tell me to go over some bridge by GM Place, so I do... and it was awesome.... I then skate down around GM Place b/c I know of a huge parking lot that I can skate in (as I've worked across the street from there).... so I'm skating along and all of a sudden, a skater flies out in front of me and jumps the road and crashes... I look up and see that he is being filmed.... so I stay for a bit and watch.... just as I'm leaving I hear my name being called.... its the guys I met earlier... so we hang out a bit more then I head off...
Now my directions were to go down Hastings.... for those of you who don't know, this is not a nice part of town... its interesting, and scary for some, and really not recommended for most... so I'm boarding along, and it busy, and crowed, I get off and carry the board... and then some guy comes up and asks if I want another board... I intensively say "No"... but then I think... "Yes, I want a board now too" so he brings me to his stash, and offers me "His" board for $25... I say sure, wtf.... I fumble through my pockets, being careful not to pull out all my money, as I had all my rent money w/ me.... pay the man, strap my board to my new pack (as it has straps for it) and off I go.....
I meet up w/ Rich, I get the tour of Greedy Productions, see all the sets for the shows, meet some of the people, and then get a look at all the editing equipment.... all in all, it was amazing..... Rich finishes up the piece he was working on and we head out.....
Food at WaZoos on Commercial.... then we grabbed our boards and went skating for an hour.... then I jump on the train to come home.... meet up w/ JHM, and we watch The Crow (b/c he had NEVER watched it before!!!!! crazy!!!)... and now its now....
I was going to post picts, but Rich isnt' back, and he has the camera... so here is my new wallpaper called Return to Sender by luminatii

and as far as your last comment goes............................................
touche sir.......touche!........