I arrive home from work, I go to the fridge to get some water, and I find this

my roommates love V.Day... and they celebrated today (b/c they work tomorrow)
and so, L gave me a case of RedCap
the second last one makes me think that SOME people should get out of Texas
the first video is amazing
and now its bed'o'clock

my roommates love V.Day... and they celebrated today (b/c they work tomorrow)
and so, L gave me a case of RedCap
the second last one makes me think that SOME people should get out of Texas
the first video is amazing
and now its bed'o'clock
that video was crazy! I cant even remember where my keys are much less how many keys are on the chain...
Hope you have/had a nice v-day. I think I'm going to make everyone cupcakes.