Travel back w/ me... to Friday night... I'm lost and confused as to what I should do (see last post) I'm on the computer, doing, whatever it is I do, and I get a call, its the other half of C2 (myself making that whole) he ask if I'm coming out, I reply w/ confusion, I explain how I attempted to get a hold of SS to get a ride out, but to no avail.... so C2 hangs up, call SS, who calls me back (lol, hope that makes sense!!?!?!) and it all begins like this.....
ring ring,
"hey, you coming out?",
"you driving?",
"done...where do I meet you?",
"main, you have 30min",
"I'll be there"......
now, where I live, and where Main is, well, its 25min away.... so I grab my pack from the closet (where I keep it ready for events such as this) threw items in haphazardly, leave a note on the fridge saying "Gone 2 Whistler" and rush out....
I make it w/ just enough time to call A and tell her I can't make it to her party, and wish her luck in England and w/ her new husband and such.... SS arrives, I jump in the truck and spend the next 2hrs riding threw the mountains discussing the past 5 yrs that we've been out of touch.....
We arrive.... pick up C2, go get beer and T-Bone stakes.... bbq, drinks, then we (the old TBay crew!!!) head out for a night on the town, a deserted town.... yes, Whistler was deserted, guess it has something to do w/ Turkey Day, and that it's one of the few mths where you can't go snowboarding..... so we bar hop, and party as we always do..... now, Pots was drunk x50, couldn't' get into the bar, and had the cops chase him (he got away and made it home).... blah blah blah, we all get back home, hang out in the hot tub, make some noise, the cops come, we get kicked out, back in the house, then attempt to goto bed.........<breath>........ now Pots is good guy, but I hate him sometimes, and this was one of those times.
SS and I get to sleep on the couches in the living room...and everyone else goes to bed, except Pots, he decides to stay up, and hang out in the living room, and drink by himself, listen to shitty music really loud and calling EVERYONE he knows on the phone.... he does this till 10:30am..... at which point we all finally got to sleep
up at noon, make food, then C2 and I head out to go bouldering in Pemberton for a few hrs
this made my day/trip, lots of fun, even though the shoes I had on were 1/2 size to small....
Then back, shower, turkey dinner w/ 9 others, socialize, then sleep.... I awake early to get some bouldering in before I leave, but sadly it was raining, so back to bed, sleep..... awake, make a samich, say my goodbyes, then SS and I head back.... we arrive, I jump on my train, home.... and its now
wow... the end of that story is quick.... I'm sure tons more happened, but I'm not in the mood to write more....... Oh, the point of the title.... bah, way to go, guess I need a nap..... so, that was one thanksgiving party, and my roommates have something planned tonight, AND we're having an official ThanksGiving tomorrow.... so I'm off