What a tiring day off!!
I ran around and spent too many $$$ on DVDs...but I have nearly everything that I want with the exception of Time Bandits.
I didn't have time to go to the Botanic Gardens and see the roses
and special mention to Phantasy, the giant Amazonian lilly pond is being rebuilt so I can't get any pics for you just yet. But soon, my sweet, sooooon...(I don't think it needed a makeover, it was over one hundred years old and very deep and just perfect as it was).
I really need some fresh flowers in my house.
I got the best wall clock!!
It is a giant fob watch, I will add a pic tomorrow. I also got a pair of vintage mary janes, a top with a pin up witch and a handbag with psychedelic ladies. I love the Salvos.
It is a little taller than a DVD.
Why is it so difficult for grown women to collect fantasy toys, but not for grown men? Bloody sexist I say!! I have TWO toys; a unicorn and a giant snail with an elf riding it (best squeaker toy I have ever seen!) and I get the funny looks...adult men hire entire halls out and devote hours & $$$ to buying boring robots and Star Wars crap and no one blinks an eye!!
My minibar should say:
"CoralSea is missing her giant squid, she sends a shoal of Angelfish to watch over you..."
Angelfish don't form shoals though, do they? They just bloop around reefs by themselves.
I ran around and spent too many $$$ on DVDs...but I have nearly everything that I want with the exception of Time Bandits.
I didn't have time to go to the Botanic Gardens and see the roses
I really need some fresh flowers in my house.
I got the best wall clock!!
It is a little taller than a DVD.
Why is it so difficult for grown women to collect fantasy toys, but not for grown men? Bloody sexist I say!! I have TWO toys; a unicorn and a giant snail with an elf riding it (best squeaker toy I have ever seen!) and I get the funny looks...adult men hire entire halls out and devote hours & $$$ to buying boring robots and Star Wars crap and no one blinks an eye!!
My minibar should say:
"CoralSea is missing her giant squid, she sends a shoal of Angelfish to watch over you..."
Angelfish don't form shoals though, do they? They just bloop around reefs by themselves.
Hornby Flower Fairy dolls??? Fairies?? Yay..I bought a Faerie off ebay about 6 months ago..I think she got lost in the post ..I was very sad..my fault I think I put my address in incorrectly
yes Sea Wee, how unfortunate for them