What will happen if I paint over stained pine furniture? Will brown oozy shit seep through the paint? If I don't have to strip it back I can't be bothered doing it properly...
Have sorted things out with the carer place...I will only do respite jobs now (no shifts under four hours). Had to put my foot down.
My son is refusing to wear anything...
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Yay biggrin
ok... so i got over the idea of the spunk and deceided he was probably just gonna be a root rat that rings when he's pissed and wants to get laid......but then he totally knocked my socks off by ringing me while i was at my birthday celebrations and wanting to come and celebrate with me and my friends, which he did and in te course of the evening said some really interesting things, alluding to the fact that he really digs me and plans to see alot more of me. Which of course i am happy about. He even made a point of telling me that he has to go away for six weeks for work and will i be allright with that?? surreal He builds skateparks for a living..... and is real hot. I'm a little overwhelmed and i think relieved that he's away for a couple of weeks.
I forgot to say about op shops, that i am always on the lookot for old (70's - 80's) golden breed or hang ten t-shirts. You know the stretchy cotton stripey ones? They are quite hard to find these days but if you see any let me know.
Hope all is goodly in your neck o the woods.
I suffered through an episode of Home and Away recently blackeyed I usually love bad TV (think Charmed) but I can't believe they pump this utter shit at teenagers...all the characters are seedy, ugly BOGANS who do nothing except gamble, screw around and get everyone else's partner pregnant, bash each other up and get married when they're in year 8...it should be called Bogan Away...
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On the question of what i look for at oppies for myself, I'm pretty fussy, but i look at anything thats vintage (or even kooky cool eighties) that is larger sized. I have moved away from polyester/nylon in favour of natural fibres just cos synthetics make me sweat y and stinky and uncomfortable, but if its a really amazing piece i'll suffer for it! I also love the old trainer jackets, you know the zip up adidas/puma jackets with the high collars. At the moment i'm really on the lookout for 'pretty' blouses, the one i have in mind would be red or blue and wite polka dot with a cute collar and button up armbands on the sleeves and nicely tailored. Thats a bit specific isn't? Do you think you could go find one for me? Thanks ! Haaha. wink I'm definately interested in things that are well tailored, you know, stuff that not only fits nicely but that is super flattering. And if you happened across a pair of size 44 cowboy boots with a wide top leg, i would love you forever!!!! smile Oh and by the way, its a little on the pricey side, definately not opshop prices, but Mint Vintage on frome st has the most amazing selecton of brand new original forties and fifties dresses , in all sorts of colours and sizes. I remember you saying you were buyng some fifties stuff off ebay and i think you should at least go and have look at her colection there....they are truly exsquisite, most of them still have their original swing tags. They are around $130 mostly which is a bit exxy but if it fits you nicely and is the frock of your dreams.... then i say layby or break out the plastic baby!!!!

[Edited on Mar 10, 2006 8:47AM]
Ahh well when i was a kid a westie had a flannelette shirt ,jeans & listerned to hard rock/metal (ac/dc,rose tattoo,angels) well i had the shirt & jeans,but listerned to punk & had a mind of my own
Yeah lost at trivia,but i did get some obscure question right which i was chuffed about biggrin ..have a good sunday kiss
I really want to get into shape...I'm short, but strongly built and I think I would put on muscle easily and it's something I want to do. That and alot more sewing. I have to say I really admire kimberleyfantasy's attitude toward achievement! I think I'll go and tell her so!

I have some beautiful curtains (late 60's print of Australian wildflowers) that I'm...
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It's funny, I'm extreme - either beautiful big 70's bush or completely bare (god save me from landing strips smile ) - but I can't talk as I'm closely related to sasquatch. I'm sure barbers sell my clippings to carpet manufacturers.

Actually I'm a big fan of horst's work - he was one of the original voguers - especially his work with scarred models (nothing major, appendix scars etc, but ahead of his time). Haven't seen anything in the fetish photography world that's interested me in a long time... any suggestions?

I've tried to burn the spidey film from my brain so I can't recall the green goblin's taste in masks... (I thought spidey 2 wasn't bad though blush )

I bid you sweet adieu, mon amour

lets just say he saw pics i would rather my dad never saw in my computer and it was embarrassing!
Batterz tribute thing was wierd but good and sad as well, i was sooking like baby thru much of it. Uni is FANTASTIC i had frst art/design class today and am all fired up like there's a rcket up my arse over it. I get to do a full day each wek in each of the ten studios there... jewellery, printmaking, sculpture, drawing, painting, photography, glass, textiles, new media and ceramics! I am soo excited,
Hey i hope yo get this message soon as you really outta get yourself back to the arndale salvos, looks some old lady has just passed on her entire range of clothes from the fifties and sixties, they have an entire retro rack there of amazing dresses and skirts from those eras. each thing is $6.50.
Also saw a great vaudeville show at the fringe last night, i love thatt stuff and i totally envy the lifestyle of the people who perform and make us laugh and travel the world from festival to festival doing quirky clever creative things to make us laugh. what a life that would be!!
Hope your well.

Why am I never satisfied with anything?
I'm not feeling bad...just WHY??? WHY??!!
Hmm my problem is i think i am sometimes to easily satisfied..some days its just " yeah whatever" confused
I'm sorry, but I can be a friend-whore no longer! (Not that I had millions of them to begin with...)
I decided to delete some friends because I either never spoke to you, or the differences in time zones made communication somewhat static.
Not so much a friend-whore... maybe a slurry? Or let's just say you were "fast"...

Of course it will be quite some time before you can be invited to the best salons, and you may heave to spend some years on the continent until it all blows over.

My advice is to marry a rich viscount - money and a name change will make most things go away.

But when you do marry him, I'll be extracting a hefty bribe from you to stop spreading rumours - I have to maintain my dissolute lifestyle somehow!

That will teach you to be a 'loose' woman.
Oh cool im still here kiss ..aww ya not coming to the ball. who will i have my 1st dance with ..will i have to come to you for my teddy bear wink
Hi All,
Umm, can someone send the Ark around to my house to collect me? Adelaide is being subjected to a serious thunderstorm/deluge of biblical proportions as I write this and half of my backyard is under water...(and I am dead serious here).

I have an entire weekend off!!! Will catch up with my good friend on Sunday and sleep all day Saturday.
I got...
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Hmmm teddy bear huh..have you heard of those people who get of on dressing up as cartoon animals & gettin it on confused ..no im not on call just a screwy 24 hr rotating roster
but i been doing shift work for so long im kinda used to it ARRR!!!
Oh lawsy, I wasn't offended really! I actually was ignoring and accepting the fact I may have been an arsehole - I was pondering if I'd been able to step outside the situation, would it look to me like I was acting like an arsehole. I thought you had made a valid point smile and really my situation with "HER(!)" is one big negative aspersion...

Now, before I dig myself any deeper...

A King James is a particular translation of the bible, and probably the most common as well. I also liked childrens bibles when I was growing up, and always skipped straight to the gory bits biggrin

Not feeling stressed at the moment - I've since talked the whole situation over with a couple of girlfriends, and they have given me amazing insight on that whole lunch episode. Then I stroked a strange womans furry ladybug skirt at a fairy party, and I found this has the same effect that stroking a purring kitten has on the soul love

The absolute best thing at the moment is tights - wore them all last night and felt ever so comfortable and 'prancy' biggrin

PS: That Gavin is such a bitch!
I have had a blissful 3 days off smile
Got to do some serious op-shopping (regular correspondents will notice a pattern: day off=hit the 2nd hand bargain bins) and was rewarded for my efforts with two pairs of jeans (including the best pair I think I have ever owned), an 80s version of a 50s style rose patterned dress (does that make sense?) which came just...
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Sixfthick is definately on the 25th of March at the Crown and Anchor. I'm letting you know early in the hope you can be there..... I don't know for certain that you'll dig it but i suspect you might. Loud and greasy rock and roll/rockabilly......with sexy brothers rockin out up front.
Hope all is good with you..
F. x
Yeah I do have a womble (Although the rats seem to take it around the house with them nowdays) But I have had it for years. I want a womble shirt though love If you look at the pic again you will notice that womble has no nose smile
I have a second job frown
Don't know if I want it now...got offered a contract this afternoon: "We have a client for you...now she's a bit demanding (GROSS UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE CENTURY)... she has cerebral palsy, diabetes and a behavioural disorder. Do you think you would like to start with her?"
Farrk!!! Do they want me to (unintentionally) kill the poor girl?! I know the...
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vishnu h gunesh is the indian version of jesus h christ..oh piccies..this is like xmas morning biggrin
lol... caring work is always like that, and therefore always lots of work for under qualified hard working suckers like us.. wink
hope your well otherwise.
Strange times!
Yesterday at work a man who clearly has no sense of smell brought a bag in from the foyer for us to put into lost property...I took the bag with a big dumb smile ("awwwwww, what a nice thoughtful person" style) and my nasal passages were promptly assaulted by a strong odour of cat shit coming from said bag puke puke (I really don't think...
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aw I hope you are feeling better now kiss
Thanx smile

I winder what her take on reality could be not knowing if she could be asleep any second?
I need aquarium advice. What is a good floating plant that can be kept indoors? (and isn't that horrible duckweed shit).
I gave in to my base desires and bought a little Celestial goldfish today...he/she/it is so cute...just lying around and taking in the new surroundings...
Have had excellent luck in op-shops this week: amaaaaaaaaaazin' 70s chair with lime green upholstery, stripey hoodie, two wearable...
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I know nothing of indoor plants. I have black thumb ARRR!!! those pics are awesome
The southern end of Chapel Street, down windsor way where i used to live, is amazing. There's some very cool oppies plus an amazing selection of right on time retro shops. I called into Chapel Tattoos too and had a chat to Jane about my pirate lady and she suggested some places to look etc.. I spent hours perusing Chapel Street bazaar too and drooled over all the amazing things there but also got depressed when i thought about all the things i've left behind in op shops over the years that you can't find so easily any more but which would make for a fantastic stall like the ones i was looking at.
On my way home today i sytopped at a massive sex-shop warehouse thing near the airport called 'Sexy Land' (hehehe) and made some very exciting purchases. wink
You need to get to melbourne sometime and check out savers for yourself, i tells ya that place is a veritable goldmine.