* I have been giving alot of thought to how much I should tell people what I'm really thinking. I'll get back to you on that one... biggrin
But not if it will hurt people. I don't think that's ever worth it. Just I bite my tongue so much and maybe it has become a problem for me.

* I have been hinting at this for...
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What i see to be the modern human condition. So many people do not like their jobs or enjoy their work. Its built into our idealogy and society that not enjoying your work is standard practice. I constantly get told when i leave my job, well its a minority that actually enjoy their work. It should not be like this,
I am kinda scared is to what you may tell me, skull i constantly hold my tongue until the point its too late, i hate being a meanie and would rather keep the peace. I am also beyond just insulting people for the sake of it.
Thankyou Alex, that monster sure is real, alive and well,
i just realised as well that the picture you said has a face in it, actually has two faces in it, see if you can spot both, one sits in the middle of the picture whilst the other i can see at the top, just right of the middle, freaky stuff, i have another picture of a clear face that i will edit into the post, grampians is like land of the faces.
No way of saying this nicely...today at work an old man literally fell over and died frown

What a way to go...dying when choosing books to read over Easter. How totally everyday and unprepared/unaware.

I couldn't believe people just blatantly asking questions over the counter. One woman overheard me on the telephone to the council staff and just started asking questions puke

"Did someone die? Was...
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I was at a reptile centre with my sister and our kids and an old lady had a stroke. It was right in the middle of a talk on reptiles and they were about to bring out the lizards and the big python for everyone to see and touch. I don't know whether she died or not but she was out cold, it was so upsetting that we left (there were already too many people crowding around her and trying to help). The ambulance was arriving as we were going. It was so awful. frown

Regrets. I regret not doing more with my life when I was young. I spent many years sleeping and doing nothing at all.
Yes thats probably because i am always thinking, its very rare that my minds just blank or silent, there is always more than one thing happening up there. smile
Good on ya for quitting ya job, i think i need to do the same.
I love Sherilyn. She has the lips I like. love

Congrats on the quitting too. Sometimes extra cash just isn't worth it. Good for you.
I am too tired to do homework but not too tired to write some garbage in my diary. smile

* I had the job interview, it went surprisingly well. This means that I will definitely NOT get the job!

* Day of the VW on SUNDAY!!!!!!

* I badly want a new tattoo frown

Jacqueline Jean Brooks in The Seventh Victim...a WW2 film about satanists (?)

Drunk Librarians..oh my shocked ,being keepers of knowlege is quite a stressful job..being in "better " areas does this mean the quality of books goes up
Oh hey i remember the thames in the river one also..i always found a lot of those late night close visuals a lil melencholy..werid huh
Tell me more of ths tatt you want..where & what of ..details biggrin
So you're soon to be Double Librarian?
The way Dr. Fu Manchu was Triple Doctor?

(note explaining my puzzlement about the tax question: tax laws in France and in Australia being probably way different, when i had 2 jobs some years ago (it seems to be much more common in countries such as USA, Canada or Australia as it is in France) I was taxed on my global income)
I don't like Kate Moss.

She's vulgar and over-exposed. I'm sick of reading fawning tributes that glorify her sordid lifestyle. She has also been applying her eye-liner the same way since the early 90s.

Why do I like orange juice, but not oranges?
Why do I like tinned diced apricots, but not tinned apricot halves?

Yeah i agree..shes a oxygene theif i reckon, i hold most of her contemporaries in a similar vein ( does that make sense ?)

I like peanut butter but not peanuts
* Good news: Got the job.
* Bad news: Obscenely high rate of tax on second income.

Don't quite know what I am going to do...I don't know if I can afford to work this second job (!!!) After tax, I will effectively be working for a crapola $9 per hour.

* Went and saw Eddie and Esmerelda. Eddie didn't want to snuggle with me....
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Is it Angela Lansbury?

It was such a beautiful day yesterday. I haven't flown for over 18 years so it was kind of a big deal for me, I was amazed to find I wasn't scared at all. I loved it! But then, I'm not afraid of flying as such but of confined spaces and helicopters are very open.

Thanks...It worked out really well. I was worried she would baulk at getting in.
I will stop trying to infect you all with Billy Joel germs. My taste in music is somewhat Old Fart-y...so here's another Genuine Old Age Pensioner Classic from the vault, give it up for Tommy James and the Shondells with Crimson and Clover:

Now I really must go and manipulate my walking frame over to my bedpan before I make a big mess...
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See, i read that and went "Awesome, that means i can go another couple of months before quitting compleatly!!"

Go me and my willpower.
Hey sweetpea..good luck for your interview biggrin x
I love this! (it's kinda for you Phantasy...to say thanks for all of the videos in your journal):

I like the squirrel!

PS When looking at my pic, please DO NOT enlarge it...it makes me look like I have a moustache (which I don't). I took it just after having a shower.


Another pic!! My arms!
Courtesy of the amazing Penny of Adelaide....
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Im diggin these pics, your arms are trex cool, i can see Barbar the hefalump biggrin
I'm just not going there.
*I bought the dress. It was too beautiful.
If you could see it, you would have bought it too. Even if you are a man. If you are a man, you would go tranny if you saw this dress. If you are a man and you are reading this, you are a tranny.

*There was a huge stuff up at work today. One of my...
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Suspicious Minds?

Can't wait for pics! biggrin
I reckon i have been on about 3 dates since 1998, most of them not progressing past one night, ahhh but yes body language its stupid, why can't we all just cut to the chase so to speak these days, thanks for your input,

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Bad Poets Society (for those who can appreciate drunken ramblings, teenage angst and emabarrassingly uninhibited outpourings about fantastic sexual experiences).

Dear Rachel
I wish that you had been cremated...
Because every time I swim in the sea,
on a late summer afternoon
with that gold-green sky, warm water and jet smoke trails overhead...
I think of you.
Eleven years ago in...
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Yes pure swakiness, have not seen Pan's Labyrinth yet although heard that it kicks ass
I had a similar friend in the early 80's - drug addict artist, we had some great times in and around several newtown bedsits, though I never progressed beyond tequila. He died just as I was leaving that life and getting my first advertising job - I at least got to go to his funeral and wake. There's not a day really I don't think about him - one of those people who had a big effect on me.

Also re the above post - Pan's Labyrinth is wonderful, but beware - it has long sections of dreamy childlike fantasy interspersed with sharp moments of intense violence. I laugh at most gore, but this had me backing away from the screen like a 12 year old.

But a really good film, tho' smile
I know it's a hard choice for the colour conscious car buyer, but if it is in good condition, you should seriously consider it above a crappy good coloured one. I've had cars that i would consider bad colours but they grow on you quickly, amazingly, especially if it drives well. After all, as a driver, the interior is more important and how good the engine and steering are.
Don't be scared by the fireball VW's, just be a good car owner and do regular checks. It's more a problem for long trips as they have a chance to really heat up, so checking the car for trips is always wise no matter what you drive. After all, it's a classic so don't expect the same maintenance free driving that a modern car might possibly give.
Older they get the more they are worth. I've rebuilt and or restored every car i've ever owned to some degree. I always start with cheap and nasty and make them better. My first car was a vauxhall viva, then had a mini cooper s, 72 chrysler by chrysler, 2 69 Datsun 1600's, 76 escort ghia euro, Datsun 180b, 65 VW notchback, VG valiant coupe, VF valiant coupe, VC valiant regal, Ford capri, VB commodore, EJ holden wagon, XF falcon ute, XL deluxe wagon, currently 3 EH utes & yet to do a 29 oldsmobile roadster. I've built a few harley davidsons too but owned none. Have buily a couple of 70s hondas i owned years ago
*Alrighty...thank you all for the tea and sympathy... kiss
It has been a horribly stressful three days, but I am happy to say that I am not going anywhere and that things have been sorted out. My current job is changing at the end of the month and it was fixed so that I will not actually be at work when this person is there.
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Im so glad things are sorting them selves out, work is bad enough without people there to make it worse,Dont go feeling guilty-this knob had it coming..Just be nice & do ya job- that about sums it up, why do people find that so hard to do ..sheesh
There seems to be a 'dress-lifter' in most work places, i wanan come work for you..it sound interesting
Im fine now thanx Siouxsie was getting all wobbly for a few weeks cause of her age, but Poly was a shock-im putting it down to the flea invasion we got, she was a lil sniffly on friday night & then died on sunday and cause i was at work & couldnt get access to a rattie vet i had to listern to her trying to breath which was heatbreaking
I think i hear them runnin round the cage but its all in my mind *sigh*
You take care ok & will talk to you soon kiss
That is the plan. Late Feb/early March. Still working out the details...