Hi friends :) so I've been super busy lately planning a big trip ! I will be traveling around the world doing modeling soon !! I am so excited !! First stop is LA for two weeks, then Hawaii and after a month there Australia ! Going to make a full circle around de globe. I haven't traveled too much so I'm really looking forward
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Hi friends :) Thanks for being patient with me not being on here so much. I've been feeling a lot better lately !! Also I have been doing a ton of modeling which I'm super excited about !! So I finally hopped on the Patreon train and I have to say I'm having so much fun and I love it ! Been posting lots of...
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So recently I've really been getting into craft beer, I've joined a large beer club and I've even been doing tastings/reviews ! Here's the thing though, sometimes I try a beer and I hate it lol (only because it's just not that good). So I found a list of top craft beers ! I know some are rare and seasonal and that's ok, but I...
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