So I dyed my hair "burning red" today...
Ya, not so much...
Basically, the top is bright reddish orange, and the rest is dark with a very very slight hint of red. Very slight.
I guess I'm going to go back to black... maybe blue black.
Waste of $8 for a girl who can NOT get a job.
And I'm and idiot and can't upload pictures on here. So either 1) tell me how (that image thing is fucked up... doesnt work) or 2) just look in my picture section. Sorry they're so myspaceesque, but I was tried to show the top of my hair since it's so weird.
One pissed off little girl here...

Ya, not so much...
Basically, the top is bright reddish orange, and the rest is dark with a very very slight hint of red. Very slight.
I guess I'm going to go back to black... maybe blue black.
Waste of $8 for a girl who can NOT get a job.
And I'm and idiot and can't upload pictures on here. So either 1) tell me how (that image thing is fucked up... doesnt work) or 2) just look in my picture section. Sorry they're so myspaceesque, but I was tried to show the top of my hair since it's so weird.
One pissed off little girl here...

Find the picture you want to post in your journal (or comment or whatever). Make sure it's the big size, not the thumbnail. Right click on it and choose "copy image location". Then go to your journal and click Image. When the box pops up, paste the image location (it should end with .jpg) into the box. You will see the URL until you hit post, and then voila! You will see your picture.