I'm confused. All the bookmarked people's entries used to show up where my friends' latest entries do but they don't anymore. I don't even know where my bookmarked peoples page is anymore and i think the help works to the old site. The only evidence that these people are even bookmarked is that the bookmark profile button for them shows up as remove bookmark. I thought i'd lost all my bookmarks til i noticed that. Now i wish i had lost them so at least i could fix it.
More Blogs
Friday Apr 29, 2005
Got my ipod. Bought the Mortiis album in the end even though it cost… -
Wednesday Apr 27, 2005
Got my SG book from Amazon today. Ordered it about half seven yeste… -
Tuesday Apr 26, 2005
Got paid. Bought a load of SG stuff as well as the book off of Amaz… -
Wednesday Apr 20, 2005
Not much to say. Must be annoying reading entries people have wrote … -
Friday Apr 15, 2005
Looking at other people's journals, it would seem that a lot of peopl… -
Wednesday Apr 13, 2005
Added a wishlist so all my non-existent admirers can buy me stuff. I… -
Tuesday Apr 12, 2005
Thought it was time I updated. Not much has happened. Got Mozilla F… -
Saturday Apr 09, 2005
Getting a new webcam. It's actually a digital camera which will be g… -
Thursday Apr 07, 2005
http://suicidegirls.com/boards/Dirty+Talk/60327/page1/ What do peo… -
Thursday Apr 07, 2005
I've got my new pics up now. Worth a whole post. Might edit later t…