So in response to my last post - the new ink is complete. Rather simple - 7 deadly sins in Kanji down my spine - took all of ummmmm 45 mins after prep - a total walk in the park compared to the other pieces
StCyr - I normally wouldn't put myself out of commission but it's really not that massive and unfortunately my summer has been written off to summer lacrosse and driving all over hell's half acre so I'm safe for the requisite healing time. Fun will be had I think in ummmmmmmm early August when things calm down!

StCyr - I normally wouldn't put myself out of commission but it's really not that massive and unfortunately my summer has been written off to summer lacrosse and driving all over hell's half acre so I'm safe for the requisite healing time. Fun will be had I think in ummmmmmmm early August when things calm down!
i was going to do that... pictures?