It’s possible that eons will have passed by the time this message reaches your corner of the galaxy. Stars will have birthed, lived and died. The universe will have expanded exponentially.
We must reveal ourselves to you now in order to set the record straight about certain events that have transpired in our part of the heavens over the past millennia. A high-ranking member of the disgraced Jedi Order was recently caught sending an encrypted, long-range transmission to an unknown location several thousand light years away. Before his trial and execution we were able to ascertain exactly what he had sent and where he had sent it to, although the why remains a mystery.
The “What” is a compendium of Pro-Jedi propaganda: Fragments of religious text, portions of tech manuals for antiquated spacecraft, planet-side vehicles and outdated weapon systems, a detailed how-to guide for lightsaber construction, and 6 volumes of one-sided narratives detailing various skirmishes, petty political squabbles, and absurd civil wars.
The “Where” is a small planetary system many thousands of light years from our own, as I have previously stated. From what we can gather your system, located in the spiral arm of a galaxy with a fluctuating worm hole at its center, contains 1 G-type main sequence star and somewhere in the neighborhood of 7-13 planets. At least 1 of these planets is almost entirely aqueous and is currently being orbited by a single moon.
I would like to make clear that it isn’t our intention to insult your intelligence by stating facts about your planetary bodies and galaxy that you may already be aware of. For all we know, when and if these words reach your planets, your species will be far in advance of ours, technologically speaking.
Your planetary system is encircled by an extraordinary anomaly, something we’re at a lost to explain or identify with positive certainty: A viscous fluid not entirely liquid and not entirely fire, but something in between. One of our leading astronomers remarked that it has the hallmark traits of a woman’s placenta.
As intrigued as we are with it, this anomaly represents an unknown in our equation: We’re not certain that this transmission will be able to penetrate the barrier and reach the inner planets, where we've theorized intelligent life is most likely to be found. But perhaps your species has expanded outside the anomaly and there will be no impediment to communication.
Now for the “Why?” Why did the Jedi feel it necessary to dispatch their asinine dogma halfway across the universe? It’s unlikely they were seeking military assistance, but were they attempting to reach a specific person or persons? To what end? Unfortunately these were questions we were unable to answer in the interrogations and subsequent trial.
We’re also not certain in what order the Jedi transmission and ours will arrive at your planetary system. (For now and in the future we’ll use your aqueous planet and its “revolutions” around your sun as the standard measurement of time. We’ll also refer to your planetary system as system “Q” from here on out.) By our best estimations the Jedi transmission will arrive at system “Q” approximately 36 revolutions before this one.
However, it’s also entirely within the realm of possibility that our transmission will arrive much sooner, or much later, or that neither will arrive at all, or that the 2 will arrive at different points in your galaxy. We mastered the art of long-range communication but the Celestial Wireless is still mysterious and operates with its own logic.
You may well be wondering: “Why go to the trouble then? Why attempt to ‘set the record straight’ about events that transpired at an almost unfathomable distance from “Q,” for a race that might not even exist?” The answer, like the potential problems, is multifaceted. For starters the alignment of planets that has successfully held both Jedi and Sith at bay for nearly 200 revolutions has a very strong joint military component.
The strength of this military is due in no small measure to its intelligence branch, which often works in conjunction with a very capable and robust inter-planetary civilian intelligence service. Both military and civilian components regularly carry out sophisticated and effective counter-intelligence operations in the interests of Federation peace and security .
It’s been proven time and again that staying steps ahead of both Jedi and Sith intelligence is critical to preventing sabotage, assassinations, espionage, and general mayhem. It’s been suggested that this narrative may be helpful in this regard. Certain influential groups within the Planetary Federation also feel it’s our duty to deliver the truth to whomever may be the intended recipient of the Jedi falsehoods. One of those such groups includes the order to which I belong: The Amaru’jem.