It’s likely that eons will have passed by the time this message reaches your corner of the galaxy. Stars will have been born and died. The universe will have expanded exponentially.
We felt it necessary to reveal ourselves to you in order to set the record straight about certain events that have transpired over the past millennia in our part of the heavens. A high-ranking member of the disgraced Jedi Order was recently caught sending an encrypted, long-range transmission to an unknown location several thousand light years away.
Before his trial and execution we were able to ascertain exactly what he had sent and where he had sent it to. The “What” was a compendium of pro-Jedi propaganda: Fragments of religious text, portions of tech manuals for antiquated space-faring craft, outdated weapon systems and planet-side vehicles, a detailed how-to guide for lightsaber construction, and one-sided fairy tales about various skirmishes, petty political squabbles, and absurd civil wars.
The “Where” was a small planetary system many thousands of light years from our own, as I have previously stated. From what we can gather your system, located in the spiral arm of a galaxy with a fluctuating worm hole at its center, contains 1 G-type main sequence star and somewhere in the neighborhood of 7-13 planets, with at least 1 of these planets being almost entirely aqueous.