wowowow!! so much to say! i haven't been on here in forever for one, if you haven't noticed. And now i'm workin' full time at a hotel in my hometown :] as a bartender! i just recently got a raise and things are looking up. I lost my license due to drunk driving but it's giving me alot of opportunities, like seeing how many people in Madtown I actually know! Go networking skills. Also, I get to see friends I hadn't in awhile. And I never have to worry about a DD!
It's nice to take things at a slower pace nowadays too.
So in a nutshell, things are well with me. I'm staying busy and out of too much trouble. I miss all of your lovely faces, and I hope to come on more soon!

So in a nutshell, things are well with me. I'm staying busy and out of too much trouble. I miss all of your lovely faces, and I hope to come on more soon!

Well its good to be back
That's a whole lot of win, keep up the good work