IN SHORT: (yah this is short comparatively...)
My phone's screen is broken. Hopefully I can get my mom's old one and transfer info over to it.
My car door locks are broken and I can't get into my car unless I leave it unlocked and the window down. So I can't really go anywhere until I take anything and everything valuable out, and hope no one steals it.
School is conflicting with work hours, and they have no more hours to give me. So I can either find a new job or hope for the best, or well... hire an assassin to kill a coworker

Plus not having a working phone or working car really puts a damper on the whole finding a new job thing.
On top of everything school tuition is coming up and I'm not getting enough financial aid to cover it, tuition is 7000$ a semester. I start in less than a month. so I'm looking to anyway possible to get money, scholarships, anything! Though stripping, and prostitution are out of the question.
But becoming a Suicide Girl is not! That is it would help, but only if I win. And I was going to use my friends nice Nikon D80, but he can't find it, and he just left for Florida for 5 months!!
My laptop got fixed, new battery, video clamshell and motherboard for free. Thank you Apple.
And now I just found out that my friend won't be able to drop off my weed

I've had a few moments that I've just started crying because it's all so overwhelming right now.
haha yah probably. lol Today actually got worse...lost my little money carrier thing, it had 70$ in it. My ex who I've been sorta tryin' to get back together with (things have been going great betw. us as of late...long story) helped me get into my car, because it decided to fuck me over and completely lock me out. He ended up chipping a tooth and had to postpone his plans of cleaning. He was an ass to me, because he was in a bad mood before all this as well. Then his XBox 360 quit workin' later too. And now he's bein' kind of short with me. *sigh* I just hope it all doesn't put a damper on how things are going between us. He's leaving for a mini vacation to visit his best friend and some family this weekend and will be back a week later. Maybe it'll be good to let him cool down, give him space?

Sending an assassin your way now.