Well well well. Life is so strange. The boy and I have talked a few times and what it comes down to is that he is being neutral because he doesn't want to get my (or his) hopes up for prospects of getting back together, but also doesn't want to lose me since he still cares for me deeply. And him being "mean" as I thought he was, was just me taking it that way lol because I'm negative sometimes. I think the worst with stuff. I shouldn't though.
He stayed over last night, and we had another amazing night together of rompin' around in bed
cuddling and just talking. He started the cuddling too! it made me smile super giddly-like. And I can see he still cares for me, just the way he looks at me, I can still see it. And alot of other people (mutual friends) have said this too, and that he's even said things that support that. He also hasn't gone and done things with other girls, which has surprised me alot, since when he's single, he can be a whore lol but he's making the effort not to. Because he knows that will push me away.
He said give it time, he is focusing on getting another job, and getting a place & moving out. He said he hasn't put much thought into it, because he's focusing on that. Part of me still thinks he has thought about it, but just doesn't wanna say, which is very much like him. But on the other hand, it is very much like him to not have thought about it that much yet.
So I'm gonna back off talkin' to him, to keep that space & distance that he wants, also so I can do my own things since I'm starting interviews for bartending in the next week or so! But when we're together it feels right, like we both want to be there. And that is an amazing feeling, especially after a break up.
SO I'll keep you guys updated with the job thing, and with the boy! Keep wishing me luck though, because there's still a long way to go! But if things keep going this way, it'll be lookin' good!
He stayed over last night, and we had another amazing night together of rompin' around in bed

He said give it time, he is focusing on getting another job, and getting a place & moving out. He said he hasn't put much thought into it, because he's focusing on that. Part of me still thinks he has thought about it, but just doesn't wanna say, which is very much like him. But on the other hand, it is very much like him to not have thought about it that much yet.
So I'm gonna back off talkin' to him, to keep that space & distance that he wants, also so I can do my own things since I'm starting interviews for bartending in the next week or so! But when we're together it feels right, like we both want to be there. And that is an amazing feeling, especially after a break up.
SO I'll keep you guys updated with the job thing, and with the boy! Keep wishing me luck though, because there's still a long way to go! But if things keep going this way, it'll be lookin' good!
hmm...maybe you should do that seduction dance like they did in the movie Year 1...that'll wake him up, or give him a severe headache 

well, alot of sources, have said he still has feelings, which I can tell. And then today one of them said they can't give me details because of "guy code", but said that he is hoping for us to work things out!! so IDK why we're not together, I'm totally just chillin' the next few weeks and not worrying half as much because this is all GREAT news