So I had an eventful past few days. Good and bad.
Started shitty; accidentally hit the car next to me with my broke ass door. The guy didn't say anything. Went to Buffalo Wild Wings and got tasty chicken! Then there was a huuuuge heat storm!! Beautiful lightning.
So we went to my friends party downtown and played in the rain! It was beautiful and amazingly freeing.
That was Thursday. Today I had an awesome day as well. Went downtown and got new Prismacolor pencils! And a case for them too! And I got Jamba Juice- Caribbean Passion yum
Blah blah hung out with my friend from Hawaii.
Got in a huge fight with my boyfriend. Over something stupid as usual and blown out of proportion to the point of me crying. And he did a complete 180 from what he normally is like, so he must have alot on his mind.
And now I'm not sure if I have a boyfriend any more. And frankly, it's killing me. He's not talking to me. I'm so confused and lost right now. I just wish I could be with him right now. I tried to be strong and stand up for myself by telling him to call me when he was ready to have an adult conversation. when and if. Then I walked out the door and cried the entire 20 minute drive back to my house.
And now here I am. having to wake up in less that 6 hours for work. He didn't call and he apparently went and hung out with friends. Probably not having a second thought. As usual. Ignoring it, and forgetting on how I am.
And of course I'm blaming myself. Because I'm stupid like that.
I keep thinking he's not going to choose me. And I'm going to look like the dumbass.
Last huge argument, he said to give him one last chance; and that if he fucked that one up, he didn't deserve me. So.......I don't know what to do.
The Only Thing- Stabbing Westward
pretty much sums it up. Love the song. Love the band. Hate how much it's true right now.
Started shitty; accidentally hit the car next to me with my broke ass door. The guy didn't say anything. Went to Buffalo Wild Wings and got tasty chicken! Then there was a huuuuge heat storm!! Beautiful lightning.
So we went to my friends party downtown and played in the rain! It was beautiful and amazingly freeing.
That was Thursday. Today I had an awesome day as well. Went downtown and got new Prismacolor pencils! And a case for them too! And I got Jamba Juice- Caribbean Passion yum

Blah blah hung out with my friend from Hawaii.
Got in a huge fight with my boyfriend. Over something stupid as usual and blown out of proportion to the point of me crying. And he did a complete 180 from what he normally is like, so he must have alot on his mind.
And now I'm not sure if I have a boyfriend any more. And frankly, it's killing me. He's not talking to me. I'm so confused and lost right now. I just wish I could be with him right now. I tried to be strong and stand up for myself by telling him to call me when he was ready to have an adult conversation. when and if. Then I walked out the door and cried the entire 20 minute drive back to my house.
And now here I am. having to wake up in less that 6 hours for work. He didn't call and he apparently went and hung out with friends. Probably not having a second thought. As usual. Ignoring it, and forgetting on how I am.
And of course I'm blaming myself. Because I'm stupid like that.
I keep thinking he's not going to choose me. And I'm going to look like the dumbass.
Last huge argument, he said to give him one last chance; and that if he fucked that one up, he didn't deserve me. So.......I don't know what to do.
The Only Thing- Stabbing Westward
pretty much sums it up. Love the song. Love the band. Hate how much it's true right now.
Heat storms are amazing. We don't see many of those on the east coast. I'm excited to get back to the midwest next week! I used to be obsessed with Jamba, but now I make my own at home most of the time, and some of them are even better. Mmmm. Sorry about your guy!

your BF, give him time, but dont let him walk over you