Hi there- my first blog yay! I'm fairly new to the site, so any tips or helpful hints would be awesome
Also, I need help figuring out what to have as a Suicide Girl name, since I am trying to become one (workin' on the application). So far my ideas are: Pyro, Trix, Game, Halo, Skyy, Michy, Fyre. Let me know what you think!
I'm working on my first photoset, and have awesome ideas for it, but I have to find out if I can rent the place out first, and wait for it to get a bit warmer! I guess it's voted one of the top ten most inspiring gardens of North America! Check it out if ya want!
Olbrich Botanical Outdoor Gardens
I'm mostly going to be using the Sunken Garden, Rose Garden, Perennial and Event Gardens. The Rose Garden has this awesome cascading water with beautiful roses and stones around it!
Let me know what you think!

I'm working on my first photoset, and have awesome ideas for it, but I have to find out if I can rent the place out first, and wait for it to get a bit warmer! I guess it's voted one of the top ten most inspiring gardens of North America! Check it out if ya want!
Olbrich Botanical Outdoor Gardens
I'm mostly going to be using the Sunken Garden, Rose Garden, Perennial and Event Gardens. The Rose Garden has this awesome cascading water with beautiful roses and stones around it!
Let me know what you think!
Welcome to the site! 

hey, whatsup, always nice to meet more ppl on here from wisconsin!