So did you know that it's possible to get really fucked up on pain pills but still have the pain? Yep, it's possible apparently, and apparently I'm a giant puss. I was up about every two hours last night moaning and crying and microwaving my heat-pack.
Why, do you ask? What's wrong with me?
Swimmers Ear!
Sounds so innocent, doesn't it? If by innocent you mean my ear's swollen (so I can't hear!) from the inside out all the way to my jaw (so I couldn't even enjoy my Papa John's pizza last night)! If by innocent you mean the worst pain I ever recall feeling. Then yes, innocent.
This morning I was going to get up early-ish (for a Saturday) and go fall-weather shopping all day and buy myself a new pair of glasses (my old ones only have one earpiece, but I wear them anyway. It looks silly). Those plans were foiled when I was in the shower and experienced what I think was vertigo for the first time in my life! All of a sudden I felt dizzy and off-balance, and you know how when you stare at a light bulb, then look away you see spots in front of your eyes? Well, there were about a hundred of those little spots swirling in the shape of a huge spinning dandelion blossom, ebbing and flowing in my vision and seriously fucking up my equilibrium. I sat down in the bathtub and thought "how the fuck am I going to get out of here without cracking open my skull? I thought only old people died in the tub."
Eventually I stumbled out and managed my soaking wet nekkid self down to the couch to rest (bedroom was too warm). I spent the rest of the day sleeping until I had to work at 4pm.
Once at work, they sent me home, thank jebus. But not before my co-worker Dunwoody and I made plans to buy roller-skates and pretend to be derby girls .
Now I'm here and feeling a bit guilty because I feel better. I could've stayed at work and maybe made some cash. Oh well.
Isn't it just sucky when you get sick on the weekend? I wish I would've been sick during the work-week so I could've been paid to feel like shit. Eh, I probably need the rest though. Plus I get to catch up on my reading.
I'd better feel better tomorrow! I want to
a. Go shopping! Hey! If any of you gals around here need a shopping buddy, let me know! I like to shop for HOURS and look at everything and I don't really have friends with that kind of patience and/or obsession with shopping living nearby anymore. It's always nice to have another girl's opinion on outfits.
b. Stop by Evolved and see if Mike Kerin's there ( he did my boyfriend's flaming heart suicide king, check it out
right here , and star outlines on moi and my Mom (yep, my Mom and I have matching tattoos). I want to see if he has time to draw up my chest piece idea.
eh...I'm gonna get off of here now, make myself some mint tea and laze about watching ye old tv. Spacing out, good times. See yas later.
Why, do you ask? What's wrong with me?
Swimmers Ear!
Sounds so innocent, doesn't it? If by innocent you mean my ear's swollen (so I can't hear!) from the inside out all the way to my jaw (so I couldn't even enjoy my Papa John's pizza last night)! If by innocent you mean the worst pain I ever recall feeling. Then yes, innocent.
This morning I was going to get up early-ish (for a Saturday) and go fall-weather shopping all day and buy myself a new pair of glasses (my old ones only have one earpiece, but I wear them anyway. It looks silly). Those plans were foiled when I was in the shower and experienced what I think was vertigo for the first time in my life! All of a sudden I felt dizzy and off-balance, and you know how when you stare at a light bulb, then look away you see spots in front of your eyes? Well, there were about a hundred of those little spots swirling in the shape of a huge spinning dandelion blossom, ebbing and flowing in my vision and seriously fucking up my equilibrium. I sat down in the bathtub and thought "how the fuck am I going to get out of here without cracking open my skull? I thought only old people died in the tub."
Eventually I stumbled out and managed my soaking wet nekkid self down to the couch to rest (bedroom was too warm). I spent the rest of the day sleeping until I had to work at 4pm.
Once at work, they sent me home, thank jebus. But not before my co-worker Dunwoody and I made plans to buy roller-skates and pretend to be derby girls .
Now I'm here and feeling a bit guilty because I feel better. I could've stayed at work and maybe made some cash. Oh well.
Isn't it just sucky when you get sick on the weekend? I wish I would've been sick during the work-week so I could've been paid to feel like shit. Eh, I probably need the rest though. Plus I get to catch up on my reading.
I'd better feel better tomorrow! I want to
a. Go shopping! Hey! If any of you gals around here need a shopping buddy, let me know! I like to shop for HOURS and look at everything and I don't really have friends with that kind of patience and/or obsession with shopping living nearby anymore. It's always nice to have another girl's opinion on outfits.
b. Stop by Evolved and see if Mike Kerin's there ( he did my boyfriend's flaming heart suicide king, check it out
right here , and star outlines on moi and my Mom (yep, my Mom and I have matching tattoos). I want to see if he has time to draw up my chest piece idea.
eh...I'm gonna get off of here now, make myself some mint tea and laze about watching ye old tv. Spacing out, good times. See yas later.
I've always watched all those show, just more so than normal. I'll hide when the marathons come on.
I havent' got the new x-tina album, I'll probably download it sometime.
Did you find the part of the skull with the teeth? That would tell a lot."
That's our guess too. The skull is part of that flat mummified mass, and there are no visible teeth.