Ok, this may be a bit difficult, but I'm going to ATTEMPT to write an accurate depiction of my long weekend/vacation. I say attempt because
1. I visited a lot of people that I haven't seen a quite a long time.
2. I was in Chicago, which I've never been to before this.
3. I was under the influence for most of my days.
Here goes.
Thursday/Friday, Nate and I left Columbus at midnight for Chicago, under the advice that finding a parking spot would be easier at 5 or 6am than at any other time. This was true.
I slept for most of the car ride. Poor Nate.
We arrived at about 7:30am on Friday (traffic and detours, boo) to Katrina and Pat's brownstone apartment in a section of Chicago nicknamed "Boystown", apparently because of the quite large population of gay men and clubs in the area. Now, my gaydar must be broken, or the gay-folk in Chicago just aren't as obvious as Columbus'. The only evidence I really saw of the gay population was copious ammounts of rainbow flags hanging from residences and businesses and the mulitple gay publications offered. Seriously, it was weird. Not to sound like every gay person should fit a stereotype, but most of the time I can just TELL. I don't know why.
Anyway, I should probably "introduce" the people I was visiting.
Katrina was my sophomore year of college roomate. She's a tall brunette with olive skin and HUGE brown eyes that make her look like a Furby. A sexy Furby. She's a freelance editor/proofreader.
Pat is her short, stoner boyfriend. He's funny and extremely good natured. Also, he has a serious stutter, but for some reason it's funny to hear it and he'll start to laugh too when he does it. Pat's just not self concious about it at all. He's a manager at Starfucks.
Sarah was the summer basement-dweller roomie sophomore year as well, then neighbor for several years after that. We tend to butt heads, her and I, but overall we only find eachother mildly annoying. She used to be a hippie-chick, but now she makes the big-bucks working at LaSalle bank in Florida, and any ounce of hippie she ever had is now replaced by a "powerful-business-woman" persona.
So, overall I think we looked pretty weird walking about the city together, since we all have such completely different looks and styles. It's funny how people grow/change once they're away from their old friends.
Soooooo, the main point for us being in Chicago was this.....
Quick run-down on who we saw (remember there are 5 people who all wanted to see different things, so we compromised a lot and all of us missed shows that we wanted to see)
Blue October, Cursive, Panic! At the Disco, Mates of State (I actually slept during this), Raconteurs, Sleater-Kinney, Death Cab for Cutie.
Friday was nice because it wasn't busy at all in comparison to the other two days, but it was HOT.
We spent the morning/early afternoon eating and shopping, so we didn't get to Grant park until 4pm, where we heard the end of Wolfmother, then saw Gnarls Barkley in a packed area.
Then Dresden Dolls (I barely remember this), Flaming Lips (lead guy crowd surfed in a giant hamster ball!), and lastly, Kanye West. We went to bed early that night.
Again, didn't arrive til 4pm at Lolla 'cause of eating/shopping.
Heard the end of 30 Seconds to Mars, then to Matisyahu ( I don't really like his music. I must be a freak), Queens of the Stone-Age, and lastly, Red-Hot Chili Peppers.
Couple of things that stuck out that I saw...
On Friday, the first day of the festival, at noon there were 3 15 year old girls obviously rolling their balls off on x in 90 degree weather. If you don't know already, this is a BAD idea, a great way to make yourself sick/arrested.
It was bad. they had stripped down to their wife-beaters and were rolling around in goose-shit tainted/smelling mud and dancing like clumsy strippers with Parkinsons. They wouldn't stop running into people and when adults would admonish/yell at them, the girls would smile and hug said person. In hindsight, we should've done something, but we just left the area.
Apparently Chicago is full of something called "Freegans".
definition here
Although I think it's pretty cool to dumpster dive for all of your food and have the only meat you consume be roadkill, I think I like being a consumer. Pat and Katrina HATE freegans and think that they live a disgusting lifestyle. I however, had a positive encounter.
On our way out of a store, a group of dirty and dredded teens sitting amongst their belongings on an empty store's stoop yelled to us
"hey! You got any money? For Crack? We definitely won't buy food, oh no, just drugs"
This made Nate and me giggle, so we were like "For Crack, hell yeah, here's some cash"
The oldest dude looked impressed that we even talked back, and he smiled then offered us some huge-ass cin-a-buns that they were eating. We declined, though.
Blah. There's way too much to write about this.
Oh, and after Chicago, I spent 2 days re-bonding (up in Mentor, which is near Cleveland) with my formerly estranged friend Jess. We talked a lot about our feud, and had very girly heart-to-hearts and hugs. It was beautiful. Oh, and I chickened out on a high dive at the city pool and the lifeguard wouldn't let me climb back down. So I jumped. Yeah, I didn't know I was a puss until I looked down.
But I'm finally home now, and tired.
I'll have pictures to post, hopefully soon.
1. I visited a lot of people that I haven't seen a quite a long time.
2. I was in Chicago, which I've never been to before this.
3. I was under the influence for most of my days.
Here goes.
Thursday/Friday, Nate and I left Columbus at midnight for Chicago, under the advice that finding a parking spot would be easier at 5 or 6am than at any other time. This was true.
I slept for most of the car ride. Poor Nate.
We arrived at about 7:30am on Friday (traffic and detours, boo) to Katrina and Pat's brownstone apartment in a section of Chicago nicknamed "Boystown", apparently because of the quite large population of gay men and clubs in the area. Now, my gaydar must be broken, or the gay-folk in Chicago just aren't as obvious as Columbus'. The only evidence I really saw of the gay population was copious ammounts of rainbow flags hanging from residences and businesses and the mulitple gay publications offered. Seriously, it was weird. Not to sound like every gay person should fit a stereotype, but most of the time I can just TELL. I don't know why.
Anyway, I should probably "introduce" the people I was visiting.
Katrina was my sophomore year of college roomate. She's a tall brunette with olive skin and HUGE brown eyes that make her look like a Furby. A sexy Furby. She's a freelance editor/proofreader.
Pat is her short, stoner boyfriend. He's funny and extremely good natured. Also, he has a serious stutter, but for some reason it's funny to hear it and he'll start to laugh too when he does it. Pat's just not self concious about it at all. He's a manager at Starfucks.
Sarah was the summer basement-dweller roomie sophomore year as well, then neighbor for several years after that. We tend to butt heads, her and I, but overall we only find eachother mildly annoying. She used to be a hippie-chick, but now she makes the big-bucks working at LaSalle bank in Florida, and any ounce of hippie she ever had is now replaced by a "powerful-business-woman" persona.
So, overall I think we looked pretty weird walking about the city together, since we all have such completely different looks and styles. It's funny how people grow/change once they're away from their old friends.
Soooooo, the main point for us being in Chicago was this.....
Quick run-down on who we saw (remember there are 5 people who all wanted to see different things, so we compromised a lot and all of us missed shows that we wanted to see)
Blue October, Cursive, Panic! At the Disco, Mates of State (I actually slept during this), Raconteurs, Sleater-Kinney, Death Cab for Cutie.
Friday was nice because it wasn't busy at all in comparison to the other two days, but it was HOT.
We spent the morning/early afternoon eating and shopping, so we didn't get to Grant park until 4pm, where we heard the end of Wolfmother, then saw Gnarls Barkley in a packed area.
Then Dresden Dolls (I barely remember this), Flaming Lips (lead guy crowd surfed in a giant hamster ball!), and lastly, Kanye West. We went to bed early that night.
Again, didn't arrive til 4pm at Lolla 'cause of eating/shopping.
Heard the end of 30 Seconds to Mars, then to Matisyahu ( I don't really like his music. I must be a freak), Queens of the Stone-Age, and lastly, Red-Hot Chili Peppers.
Couple of things that stuck out that I saw...
On Friday, the first day of the festival, at noon there were 3 15 year old girls obviously rolling their balls off on x in 90 degree weather. If you don't know already, this is a BAD idea, a great way to make yourself sick/arrested.
It was bad. they had stripped down to their wife-beaters and were rolling around in goose-shit tainted/smelling mud and dancing like clumsy strippers with Parkinsons. They wouldn't stop running into people and when adults would admonish/yell at them, the girls would smile and hug said person. In hindsight, we should've done something, but we just left the area.
Apparently Chicago is full of something called "Freegans".
definition here
Although I think it's pretty cool to dumpster dive for all of your food and have the only meat you consume be roadkill, I think I like being a consumer. Pat and Katrina HATE freegans and think that they live a disgusting lifestyle. I however, had a positive encounter.
On our way out of a store, a group of dirty and dredded teens sitting amongst their belongings on an empty store's stoop yelled to us
"hey! You got any money? For Crack? We definitely won't buy food, oh no, just drugs"
This made Nate and me giggle, so we were like "For Crack, hell yeah, here's some cash"
The oldest dude looked impressed that we even talked back, and he smiled then offered us some huge-ass cin-a-buns that they were eating. We declined, though.
Blah. There's way too much to write about this.
Oh, and after Chicago, I spent 2 days re-bonding (up in Mentor, which is near Cleveland) with my formerly estranged friend Jess. We talked a lot about our feud, and had very girly heart-to-hearts and hugs. It was beautiful. Oh, and I chickened out on a high dive at the city pool and the lifeguard wouldn't let me climb back down. So I jumped. Yeah, I didn't know I was a puss until I looked down.
But I'm finally home now, and tired.
I'll have pictures to post, hopefully soon.