Well, I hope Depeche Mode night was fun. I was too sick to go, and after inviting everyone, too!
Ive been feeling extremely bored and lazy these past few days. Its all I can do to go to work, and when its over I barely have enough energy left to get home. But each day Im a tiny bit better.
Today was a good mail day. I got an on-the-road postcard from hmmm which made me feel really good. I also got a free copy of The Lone Surfer of Montana, Kansas by Davy Rothbart of FOUND magazine. I was so proud when I opened it and read the press release. Ive known Davy since the start of FOUND, and its truly inspiring when zine kids make it big.
Sadly, theyll be on tour during my event, but thats okay. I know they would if they could and that makes me happy. Their Chicago show is October 12th at the Neo-Futurarium. Youll be wise to check it out.
Okay, Im quite tired, so Ill leave work now. One of these days I WILL get my home computer fixed, and then I can do all the things Ive been meaning to do, like work on my D.I.Y. fest and other projects and post some pictures.
But for now, heres one of starguitar and me at Neo. I have good taste in ties, dont I?


Ive been feeling extremely bored and lazy these past few days. Its all I can do to go to work, and when its over I barely have enough energy left to get home. But each day Im a tiny bit better.
Today was a good mail day. I got an on-the-road postcard from hmmm which made me feel really good. I also got a free copy of The Lone Surfer of Montana, Kansas by Davy Rothbart of FOUND magazine. I was so proud when I opened it and read the press release. Ive known Davy since the start of FOUND, and its truly inspiring when zine kids make it big.
Sadly, theyll be on tour during my event, but thats okay. I know they would if they could and that makes me happy. Their Chicago show is October 12th at the Neo-Futurarium. Youll be wise to check it out.

Okay, Im quite tired, so Ill leave work now. One of these days I WILL get my home computer fixed, and then I can do all the things Ive been meaning to do, like work on my D.I.Y. fest and other projects and post some pictures.
But for now, heres one of starguitar and me at Neo. I have good taste in ties, dont I?

You two look like a cute couple.