Sweet Jeepers, look at this site. Tags for the sets? Good job, SG. Maybe Ill stick around here a little longer. 
Yesterday Starguitar and I went to the lake. It was actually his first time there since he moved to Chicago a year ago. While we were there, he said I have a present for you. He took an envelope out of his bag and handed it to me. To my TOTAL shock and excitement, it was an itinerary for a trip to Vegas in August!! He bought it for us to celebrate our two-year anniversary. I was so completely taken by surprise that I almost cried. I havent had a real vacation in so many years and trust me, I need it. Its going to fucking rock, Im so excited!!!
Work has been kicking my ass. I swear, I dont even know how I put up with that place, but somewhere deep inside I must like it, cause its my choice to come back. Dealing with a completely new software system and a renovation for the past 3 months has really created a lot of extra pressure. In fact, I had a bit of a breakdown Thursday night. It was one of those days where fucked-up things kept happening over and over again. It ended with my having to stay an hour and a half later to correct a days worth of paperwork. I had plans to hang out with Beth and Daniel and a few friends at the Darkroom later that night. When I finally got there two hours later than I was supposed to, there was a long line at the door, and something just snapped. Keeping your emotions bottled up (as one has to do at work) is a surefire way to explode later, and that is exactly what happened. Seeing my friends was the one thing I was looking forward to all day, and I just lost it. I tried to call Beth and tell her there was a line, and all of the sudden I started crying uncontrollably. Not just crying but shaking, convulsing, my vision was distorted. I felt like screaming, but I forced myself to at least control that. I freaked myself (and Dan) out a little, Im sure, but once I let it all out, I was fine. The next day was a beautiful one spent hanging out with my lovely, wonderful, amazing boy, learning about the trip, watching Queer as Folk while smoking and snuggling. It proved to be just the thing I needed to bounce back.

Yesterday Starguitar and I went to the lake. It was actually his first time there since he moved to Chicago a year ago. While we were there, he said I have a present for you. He took an envelope out of his bag and handed it to me. To my TOTAL shock and excitement, it was an itinerary for a trip to Vegas in August!! He bought it for us to celebrate our two-year anniversary. I was so completely taken by surprise that I almost cried. I havent had a real vacation in so many years and trust me, I need it. Its going to fucking rock, Im so excited!!!
Work has been kicking my ass. I swear, I dont even know how I put up with that place, but somewhere deep inside I must like it, cause its my choice to come back. Dealing with a completely new software system and a renovation for the past 3 months has really created a lot of extra pressure. In fact, I had a bit of a breakdown Thursday night. It was one of those days where fucked-up things kept happening over and over again. It ended with my having to stay an hour and a half later to correct a days worth of paperwork. I had plans to hang out with Beth and Daniel and a few friends at the Darkroom later that night. When I finally got there two hours later than I was supposed to, there was a long line at the door, and something just snapped. Keeping your emotions bottled up (as one has to do at work) is a surefire way to explode later, and that is exactly what happened. Seeing my friends was the one thing I was looking forward to all day, and I just lost it. I tried to call Beth and tell her there was a line, and all of the sudden I started crying uncontrollably. Not just crying but shaking, convulsing, my vision was distorted. I felt like screaming, but I forced myself to at least control that. I freaked myself (and Dan) out a little, Im sure, but once I let it all out, I was fine. The next day was a beautiful one spent hanging out with my lovely, wonderful, amazing boy, learning about the trip, watching Queer as Folk while smoking and snuggling. It proved to be just the thing I needed to bounce back.