Well finals are over and I think I did pretty well. I won't know for another week or two. The exciting part is, I now have a SIX WEEK break from school. This only happens once a year, and I'm going to try to make the best use of this time as I can. I have two major projects in the works:
1. I am working on INDIGO X, the ten-year anniversary issue of my zine. I'm going to reprint what I think is some of my best stuff along with new commentary. I have a feeling it's going to turn into a much bigger project that it originally seemed, but that's okay.
2. I'm going to try to market my greeting cards as much as possible. If anyone knows of of a shop in the Chicago area that sells handmade crafts, let me know!
Sadly, I won't be traveling at all during this break, but I did a fair amount this year, so it's ok. Starguitar will be going to Montreal over the holidays to see his family, and I will miss him a lot. I did get a chance to spend some time with his mom & sister when they were in town this week, and that was really fun. I got them a room at the Peninsula (where I occasionally work) and we ate at the Shanghai Terrace in total fanciness. But on the way home, I lost something that was so dear to me - my beloved hooded scarf:
I had a lot of things to carry, and I somehow left it in a taxi.
I try not to get too materialistic, but I was really attached to that scarf and I'v had it for years. I hate wearing hats, so that style is perfect for me. I tried to find another one, and this one on eBay came pretty close. The only difference is instead of trim, the entire hood part is faux fur.
Anyway, I guess that's all for now. Tonight we are going to see "Walk The Line", the Johnny Cash movie. I'm excited.
Stay toasty!
1. I am working on INDIGO X, the ten-year anniversary issue of my zine. I'm going to reprint what I think is some of my best stuff along with new commentary. I have a feeling it's going to turn into a much bigger project that it originally seemed, but that's okay.
2. I'm going to try to market my greeting cards as much as possible. If anyone knows of of a shop in the Chicago area that sells handmade crafts, let me know!
Sadly, I won't be traveling at all during this break, but I did a fair amount this year, so it's ok. Starguitar will be going to Montreal over the holidays to see his family, and I will miss him a lot. I did get a chance to spend some time with his mom & sister when they were in town this week, and that was really fun. I got them a room at the Peninsula (where I occasionally work) and we ate at the Shanghai Terrace in total fanciness. But on the way home, I lost something that was so dear to me - my beloved hooded scarf:

I had a lot of things to carry, and I somehow left it in a taxi.

Anyway, I guess that's all for now. Tonight we are going to see "Walk The Line", the Johnny Cash movie. I'm excited.
Stay toasty!

its just hard for me not to try to go over to a girl and pick up on her, i used to do it subconciously, i would just be talking with someone and next thing i know, im kissing them or making a move. i used to do it without even knowing, like it was part of my nature...
being single for years and then having a girlfriend is truly a test.