So...its been a long time, something like 2 months, but thats ok because i dont htink anyone actualy reads this. the up side is that because no one reads this i can say anything i want and no one will ever know..
fat people are fattys who eat to much chocolate.. arent you fatty. just kiding.. faty
So my exams went bad, but they went good enough for me to pass everything and maintain a decent GPA so i dont realy give much a shit. whats done is done.
my holidays, not the most exciting, im kinda glad they are over. I started working as security at a fancy night club that i would probably never go to, but i like the job. however, New Years is a must work day so I had to work it , and to add to the colour of working, my mom had emergency sergery to remove her apendix on the 30th and spent about a week in the hospital in recovery because she had a small complication. YAY holidays!
I met a girl from my other job and fooled around with her. by the other job i mean the one that my ex doesnt work at. and she has been living with her boyfreind for 2 years. It wasnt a good choice but i was drunk and on the rebound at the time so i went for it thinking it would be a one tme thing. Turns out I was wrong. who would've
now she still has a bf and she keeps trying to make something out of the two of us, even after we talked and agreed that was not going to happen.
I hope i learned my lesson. Also , at that same work, there is a girl that works with me who is in playboy.. YAY!!!, she is outstanding, and im guessing i didnt learn my lesson if i were to ever have a chance. the god knews is that im sure i dont , so i wont be making that mistake a third time. feww!
My school year started out again. Not to fond of the early mornings but im actualy glad to be back. learning some drums and guitar this year and crazy physiology too. its all good.
id post a pick if i had one
fat people are fattys who eat to much chocolate.. arent you fatty. just kiding.. faty
So my exams went bad, but they went good enough for me to pass everything and maintain a decent GPA so i dont realy give much a shit. whats done is done.
my holidays, not the most exciting, im kinda glad they are over. I started working as security at a fancy night club that i would probably never go to, but i like the job. however, New Years is a must work day so I had to work it , and to add to the colour of working, my mom had emergency sergery to remove her apendix on the 30th and spent about a week in the hospital in recovery because she had a small complication. YAY holidays!
I met a girl from my other job and fooled around with her. by the other job i mean the one that my ex doesnt work at. and she has been living with her boyfreind for 2 years. It wasnt a good choice but i was drunk and on the rebound at the time so i went for it thinking it would be a one tme thing. Turns out I was wrong. who would've
now she still has a bf and she keeps trying to make something out of the two of us, even after we talked and agreed that was not going to happen.
I hope i learned my lesson. Also , at that same work, there is a girl that works with me who is in playboy.. YAY!!!, she is outstanding, and im guessing i didnt learn my lesson if i were to ever have a chance. the god knews is that im sure i dont , so i wont be making that mistake a third time. feww!
My school year started out again. Not to fond of the early mornings but im actualy glad to be back. learning some drums and guitar this year and crazy physiology too. its all good.
id post a pick if i had one