So...its been a long time, something like 2 months, but thats ok because i dont htink anyone actualy reads this. the up side is that because no one reads this i can say anything i want and no one will ever know..
fat people are fattys who eat to much chocolate.. arent you fatty. just kiding.. faty
So my exams went bad, but they...
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fat people are fattys who eat to much chocolate.. arent you fatty. just kiding.. faty
So my exams went bad, but they...
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I got my first tattoo last night. remembrance day, didnt even realize that. its awsome, i love it. my parents handeled it a lot better than i expected. They were realy cool about it.
unfortunatly i dont have any pics yet but they'l come.
i hope everyone had a good week.
unfortunatly i dont have any pics yet but they'l come.
i hope everyone had a good week.
thanx sweetie

no thanks needed

I had a pretty crap weekend but it wasnt all bad.
both my teams lost and i got an injury each leg, one per game . but im used to it now being so damn injury prone.
I also got shot down for a date i had high hopes just when i was feeling like a big fat looser I went in for a...
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both my teams lost and i got an injury each leg, one per game . but im used to it now being so damn injury prone.
I also got shot down for a date i had high hopes just when i was feeling like a big fat looser I went in for a...
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So i booked my first tattoo after waiting for a good 2 years
I had an insane past few weeks and I am so glad its the halloween weekend.
I had 4 exams and an esay due all in the span of 2 weeks with 2 more coming up next week
. i happened to run into this beatiful girl i met a week before out of shear fluke, but i cant tell wether or not she is...
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I had 4 exams and an esay due all in the span of 2 weeks with 2 more coming up next week

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On thursday I went to see the Suicide Girls live show. It was awsome. Definatly one of the best shows iv seen.
its realy cool to see how many people from toronto are on the site, i had no idea. anyone who was there has got to hand it out tothe girls, they were great. Reagan did her napolean skit. the Hulahoop was amazing too....
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its realy cool to see how many people from toronto are on the site, i had no idea. anyone who was there has got to hand it out tothe girls, they were great. Reagan did her napolean skit. the Hulahoop was amazing too....
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This weekend was crap!
I have been having problems getting time from my girlfreind of almost 2 years because she is always very busy with her 5 jobs....reflecting, that wasnt a typo, 5 jobs. so needless to say we needed a talk. And she decided it wasnt fair to me that i cant see my girldfreinds so; she should drop some work load. not likely,...
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I have been having problems getting time from my girlfreind of almost 2 years because she is always very busy with her 5 jobs....reflecting, that wasnt a typo, 5 jobs. so needless to say we needed a talk. And she decided it wasnt fair to me that i cant see my girldfreinds so; she should drop some work load. not likely,...
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it should say edit in the top right hand took me awhile to figure stuff out on the site, I still can't figure out how to get a picture to show up instead of a quote
Thanks, after i posted the comment i spent about a half hour trying to figure it out , and then i felt like a real dumbass when i saw the edit button right in front of me. lol im not computer freindly
how'd everything with your car turn out? mine got stolen a few years ago and i didnt bother to replace it.
how'd everything with your car turn out? mine got stolen a few years ago and i didnt bother to replace it.
Since I started school i completly forgot about life outside of it, so now i feel like a new member and Iv decided to treat myself like one.
a little about me ... Im a south american native, turned canadian and proud (although im still proud of my origin).
I love everything about health and sport and fitness, so i feel left out of this...
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a little about me ... Im a south american native, turned canadian and proud (although im still proud of my origin).
I love everything about health and sport and fitness, so i feel left out of this...
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Last night i went to see Sin City. It was awsome. Its got incredible cinematography, a hudge cast, some good violence scenes, and realy hot girls with guns and swords.
Mickey Rourke's plays a pretty cool charector. you get so see Bruce Willas shot some perverts nuts off.
good times, go see it.
Mickey Rourke's plays a pretty cool charector. you get so see Bruce Willas shot some perverts nuts off.

good times, go see it.
Yeah, isn't that pic fun?

Thank you for your comment on my set!