This has been the least boring week in recent memory. It was the kind of week that almosts convinces me that God exists because there HAS to be some higher power fucking with me.

On Monday I'm greeted at work with an email from Beth - an exgirlfriend from OU whom I hadn't spoke to in 6 years. She was googling...
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how many women do you cram into one week

if you dont need em all
ill take one off your hands

where and when do you DJ next man

there is an SG Cleveland night out planned for 4/22 and 4./29 to go see some DJing at Touch and someplace else
i forget
go th the SG Cleveland group

or ask me and ill tell find out

Arrested Development rules my world. Jason Bateman is the best straight man ever. But I think I must be totally over the Sopranos. I watched the first two episodes this season and then lost interest completely.

Today was one of those weird days when I didn't really talk to anyone. I spent most of the day working on my camgirls painting. I broke the canvas...
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Spring Fresh smelling week? Is that like alpine fresh? Because we use that in the toilet surreal
Ooh your an artist, I've always envied the artistic, I have so much to express inside me, not no medium. Other than my diary of course, but its content is secret... shhh!
Trapped between my father watching 24 and my mother watching a movie about date rape on Lifetime - can't imagine why I'd ever want this vacation to end.

To be fair I knew that they were going to be here this week too but I had no way of knowing how bad the black dog would be this week. For some reason I really didn't...
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youre bumming me out
im taking a family vacation to florida in june
although i might back out now

at least its warm in florida
thats gotta be a nice change
Your vacation sounds about as fun as my every day life. At least you can get away! I'm stuck in this mundane hell. Arrrgh!
Only 24 hours in Sarasota and I'm already a fitting mascot for Red Lobster.

You only FEEL like you're going to be able to outrun depression but you KANT. It chased me from Cleveland to San Bernadena, but THAT time, I was able to elude it. Lonely freaking fear and queasy feelings of forced self-reliance musta kept me preoccupied then. That and the fear of...
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If you've never seen the documentary, Endless Summer, you should definitely look into it. I don't really want to say that you should invite friends over and pop corn and all that but, for a solitary experience, it can't be beat.

Oh - also, you should be very very high.

I care fuck-all about surfing but I'll be damned if I wasn't riveted.

The concept...
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I still gotta see Eternal Sunshine....

Bedford is a southeast suburb of clevo
about 20 mintes south of downtown
near garfield heights and shaker heights and maple heights

The perpetual delimma of wanting to write but being simply too damn high.

...yet I still delude myself into believing I can offer sage-like pearls of wisdom:

"Christianity has much in common with magic. It can be like your 7-year-old nephew asking you to take a card - charming and endearing. Or it can be shrill and obnoxious, filled with smiley faces and rainbows like...
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(from Monday. no edit. i did this in 45 min. at work and it shows. excuse typos my attempt at one of those meaningless Salon.com features i think...yet still profoundly personal and sincere.)

Respect for the Dead: Why Zombie Movies Matter

Today the box office receipts for this weekend revealed that more people went to go see zombies munching human flesh than went to experience...
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