Hello guys, I always have you present and I know that I owe you my congratulations for Christmas and New Years.
I always think of you and things that I would like to share with a lot of love, the important thing about the New Year is not to be filled with a lot of purposes that you may not be able to fulfill but to gradually work towards each day to embrace and help others. that surround you to go with you.
Personally, the few days of the month of January for me have been somewhat chaotic since they have brought with them many new projects, such as Suicide Girls, always thinking of bringing love and beauty to their eyes and their lives. I also began to focus my energies on old but unrealized or postponed projects and continue with everything that I have been working on until today; and sometimes I feel very overwhelmed, I do not know how to proceed or where to start, I feel that I will not be able and even on many occasions I have thought about giving up, that it is too much for me. And I know that this same feeling is one that many of you also feel or have felt at some point. From what I tell you, do not give up and move on, always draw in a mind a sunny and clear day so outside it rains and the sun does not rise. At the end of it all is about how we look at the world, knowing how to face failures and accept victories; believe in ourselves and love ourselves like nobody else.
Remember that no one but you shares 100% of your time with you and it is always more important the love you have for yourself and that you care about showing it to yourself than giving all your love to other people, love but love yourself more
Hermosa, muero por qué tú primer set esté ya a la vista de todos