The hazards of borrowing a convertible: you somehow end up getting only your chest and left arm burned. Notice that my face is still extraordinarily pale. I am less than pleased.
I, however, got to see my lovely Andie graduate from high school today. Not the last of my friends to graduate high school, pretty sure I've got one or two more little boogers left in hell.

P.S. She knows it's upside down.
She is, without a doubt, my favorite. Of all of the female friends I have had in the past few years, she has been by far the most level-headed and sensible person I have ever met. And I specify of female friends because I've been having drama with another long-time "friend". Had to have a sit down with her today after I heard about some very nasty things she was saying about me.
But, no bitching. Just another picture.

And I'm aware I look like a total freaken GEEK.
Tomorrow night will be my first red eye shift at Borders. And the only real reason why Borders is open until 1 in the morning on Saturdays and Sundays is because of the movie theater. When I didn't work for the store, it made me giddy to know that once my coffeeshop closed I could go get a book. But now I'm one of the bookgrunts. Um. Hell.

Training so far hasn't been too bad, save for the paperwork. But when is that ever fun? Answer: when one of the really cute comicbook geeks (THEY DO EXIST!!!) visits the section you're being trained in [Fiction/Literature/Art History & Crafts/Poetry

Sorry this is so long kids.
Sleep is now of the essence before I, you know, don't get any.
i had an artist all lined up but it just fell through.
facing the huuuuge task of writing and drawing it all myself and i dont have confidence in my abilities to that extent.
ah me.
what would your comic be about?
How are you liking the new job? which store are you in again?
my left eye was going fuzzy yesterday. unsettling isn't it?