This is a blog of the debate whether not to go back to an ex, so I'll put it underneath a spoiler in case no one wants to look at the whiny crap. You're welcome in advance, because I'll probably end up annoying myself, too.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Dave and I dated for only two months. I haven't had a serious relationship that has lasted longer than that in two
years. Not like I haven't tried. No, really.
Dated another art student, Kenneth. He ended up having the same condition I do (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), but after he punched me in the back, I punched him over a table

I received an email from him about a month ago where he apologized for being such a jackass, though. Twas rather odd.

I dated a
psychiatrist named Szymon, who has more drug problems than any rich kid from the suburbs and is emotionally stunted in his own relationships, but can give great advice on everyone else's. Probably why he's a shrink. He called me a few nights ago for a booty call

Mae is a girl I found arbitrarily on MySpace. We went on one date, and got into a car accident. That kind of ended it right there.
And then there's Dave.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
He is what we here in Nor Cal call a "bro". Shaved head (he's going bald at 20

), skateboards, surfs, plays guitar, very meticulous about his looks, normally drives a truck. Friend of a friend. For all I know, we've met each other before, or at least known about the other before.
He got fucked over in a previous relationship and I ended up getting the ass end of it. Unfortunately, we're polar opposites, and I opened up to him. Which, when he broke up with me around Valentine's Day and went screwing around, I wasn't too happy with.
I got a call from him last night. His great-grandmother, who apparently he was close to, died, and her funeral was on Friday.
Bad part of him calling me last night: he was drunk when he asked me back out.

He was drunk, and remembered nothing. Of course he doesn't. Not when he was being sweet and vulnerable and DRUNK.
I still love him.
This is pathetic.
and gl is better off without me. that place started sucking out my soul.
and i would offer my advice on this situation but it seems to be settled. you must be hanging in the wrong crowd.