So I've been thinking for a while that my last blog was kinda a downer. At least for me. Well, pretty much since then, things have been going well. I've been making money working as a delivery driver, saving up to move back to flagstaff... and for the most part, it's been working pretty well. Only recently have I had to spend some of that money I set aside, and that was for car repairs. I'm gonna have to have my car looked at again tomorrow too, if possible. I've been kinda seeing a sweet girl named Eva, and though we've never become an official couple, I still like her quite a bit and at the moment have no plans on persuing anyone else. And yeah, things are pretty good. Been taking a lot of photos, that anyone is welcome to see on my myspace, You just have to request my friendship if you're not already my friend on there, seeing as that profile is set to private. And yeah, that about sums it up. :-)
thank you for commenting on my set, you put a smile on my face