OK.... So once again I have been told I need to update my shit. Yeah yeah, i know I have been slacking alot lately. It's just that there is not a whole lot to talk about over here. I usually have to wait like 4-5 days to write about anything good. Shit even then there is not much to write about cause we are not allowed to talk about missions do to OPSEC. I mean I can talk about the conversations adrenaline and I have but I dont think I would want to bore you.
Besides lately we haven't been doign so good. I am sure whoever is reading this probably knows cause you haev already talked to her. Anyway, my time is up. I hate this fucking place!
P.S. I love you Christina!

P.S. I love you Christina!


yes... same job.... sure which they would call me back... may be they will call when you are on leave and everything will work out for the bestest...

For a split second I thought you were Adrenaline when I read that comment... but I had to do a double take at the name... once I realized it was you it made it that much funnier!!!