Well today sucked major ass. Started of by convoying about 2 hours to northern Iraq. It was raining really heavily. Just when we thought the rain was going to lift it started to hail. The hail was the size of dimes. It only lasted about 2 minutes but boy did it hurt.
In addition to that when we got back we figured that they wouyld have a decent meal for lunch but it ended up being the usual 4 times a week Hamburgers....
I cannot wait till i get to eat decent food again! Anyhow, If anyone feels bored go to lady_godiva's journal and let her know how absolutely sexy and beautiful she is........
Dont be too fresh though cause she is taken

youre too much.... i luvs you !
I am listening to Tenacious D right... i have to get to bed early tonight I have to deliver some furniture early in the morning... we have to be there at 10 am.. ok so thats not so early but it is to me...

I'm on a FOB (Camp Flea) of Al-Asad so I get shitty food until my days off. Take care.