Thanks @liasworld for tagging me on this 😁😁😁
1. First app you check when you wake up in the morning?SG isn't an app, but if it were it would be it. But I guess I have to say Facebook.
2. First broken bone?
Forth metacarpal of my right hand. Punched a brick wall because I was an idiot, hahaha!
3. First foreign country you ever visited?
4. First time I ever got into trouble at school?
I didn't do my homework in 2nd grade.
5. My first BF/GF?
I was 14, her name was Iris.
6. My First car?
'87 Dodge Ram 4x4 pick up
7. My first celebrity crush?
Debbie Gibbson 🤣🤣🤣
8. My first crush?
I guess when I was 9, but she happened to be the principal's daughter.
9. My first ever cell phone?
A Nokia phone that had no games and texting wasn't a thing yet.
10. My first ever kiss?
I 14 with my girlfriend at a dance outside of school.
11. My first fear?
The dark.
12. My first heartbreak?
It wasnt because of love. I was 9 when my favorite uncle was murdered.
13. My first Instagram post?
Instagram? Lol!
14. My first job?
I worked providing services to the elderly when I turned 18.
15. My first language?
16. My first pet?
I was a country kid, had them since birth. But I'm going to have to say a goat that had no name, lol!
17. My first piercing and when did I get it?
Still not pierced.
18. My first sexual experience?
I was 18 and it was right outside a federally secured area.
19. My first tattoo?
I was 18 and got a tribal skull thr size of a half dollar. It has been covered up now.
20. The first person I talked to today?
My little cousin.
21. The first person you text when something exciting happens?
My brother.
22. The first thing I do every morning?
Let my puppies out.
23. The first thing I do when I get home?
Let my puppies out, lol!
24. The first time you ever got drunk?
I think I was 15, right after a very tough high school football game.
25. My first time on a plane?
When I was 25, flew to Houston, TX to visit my GF's family for Thanksgiving

A goat!!! 😍