Medjool is definitely not my scene, but even a place like that is fun if you go with the right friends. I even got kissed! On the cheek. By a guy. A really nice, really cute guy, so, I'm not complaining at all. However, if I could make the number of cute girls who flirt with me equal the number of cute guys who do,...
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First post. Random:

1. Do you ever have dreams that you've had before? Decades before? Not exact replays, but recurring themes, recurring places... you've been here before, you've been dreaming of this house for the past 20 years. It's kind of freaky. What does it mean? I had one of those last night.

2. Ritual Roasters has incredible espresso. Not sure if it's better or...
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1. i don't have many re-occuring dreams, but i believe in dreams. it means something, maybe you'll figure it out later
2. where is ritual roasters?
3. it works. it worked better before
4. busy day, find time to breath
5. sneaker pimps is the best thing to sleep to. pay attention when you sleep and maybe you'll discover something
Ritual is on Valencia, around 21st or so. They've got a big red flag out front with a coffeecup shaped sickle and a star. You'll notice it is crawling--nay, swarming--with Mission hipsters and their fixies [*]. Get a double espresso and watch them make it... it's a beautiful thing. The sad part is that drinking it can't last more than a couple minutes; it gets cold and stale. Such an ephemeral pleasure... maybe that's why it's so special when it's happening.

I don't remember what I dreamed last night, but I woke up feeling very refreshed and good. :-)

[*] By all rights, I'm a Mission hipster with a fixie...sigh. Labels, labels.