Tuesday Feb 01, 2005 Feb 1, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email So things seem to be a BIG fat......... maybe. Just beautiful. pica_pica: yup, road less travelled. Appears to already be encountering some resistance in my journal, but as true as I believe that idea to be (to my core) I know for somebody contemplating it for the first time the idea must seem blasphemous. a big fat maybe? Feb 1, 2005 freakqueen: ah yes, is it not great to be nauseous with the maybes? Well, delirious with the maybes, and nauseous with the 'maybe not's perhaps. i love how you make me smile with every journal entry Feb 3, 2005
Appears to already be encountering some resistance in my journal, but as true as I believe that idea to be (to my core) I know for somebody contemplating it for the first time the idea must seem blasphemous.
a big fat maybe?
i love how you make me smile with every journal entry