I cried when I saw Hotel Rwanda. It has been eight years since I truly shed tears. Today I am humbled.
As much as I'd love to go on a rant about the politics of it, I think it best I don't.
We are a very lucky culture. I hope you can take a moment to realize that there are many places on this earth which have no oil or tropical beaches who need the help of capable societies.
As much as I'd love to go on a rant about the politics of it, I think it best I don't.
We are a very lucky culture. I hope you can take a moment to realize that there are many places on this earth which have no oil or tropical beaches who need the help of capable societies.
I have much to say about how much we take for granted here... when I first came back home from being stuck in the middle east for so long, I couldn't get over the apathy of your average canadian...
sometimes, I'm afraid I have finally become one. (again) I guess I could use a wakin up.
No wars or revolutions. We are lucky.