Kay, so... nearing on two months without an update... I think we've hit a new record ladies and gentlemen! And it's not like I haven't been doing shit in those past two months... I just haven't had the gumption to actually write an update... SO! I now declare an end to the ass-hattery... at least until next time... 'cause we all know there's going to be a next time... there always is...
So, I've recently discovered a new love. No, it's neither female, nor automotive... though I can understand how you might make that mistake... it's chainmail, believe it or don't (as in the armour-type stuff... not the annoying letter-type stuff that you have to send to 10 people or the world will end).
While I was in high school, a good friend of mine managed to work his way into making chainmail... not sure how he did it, or what the hell gave him the idea to, but he did nonetheless. Anyway, this piqued my interest and I determined at that point (neigh on 8 years ago, now) that I was, myself, going to get into this obscure and interesting hobby.
Well, I never did. Being that I was jobless and in high-school... I had ever-so-little coin with which to amuse myself, and as such, could never have the money to buy supplies. My days-long dream of fashioning a chainmail suit of armour fell by the way-side to be forgotten.
Until I found myself, dazed and confused, in Moose Jaw. One of the guys I work with makes chainmail, and I found this out about a year ago. Again, my interest was piqued, but apparently not enough to actually put some time into finding out how I might get my own supplies and what-not... until very recently.
As I sat at the computer, staring at my open Internet Explorer window, wondering what new and exciting site I might stumble upon this time (and apparently not updating my journal), the thought crept into my head that I had never followed up that chainmail idea...
A quick Google search then revealed a number of sites dedicated to this arcane craft... some of which were merchant sites, no less. My interest, suddenly reaching a new high as I realized that, yes, you too can make chainmail, I finally placed an order with a company located very near Saskatoon!
My excitement reached a fever-pitch a week later when my order finally arrived... nine hours later I was still holding two pliers in my hands, opening and closing rings. I am now the proud barer of many pounds of metal... some of which actually resembles an honest-to-god something!
Almost every waking moment since has been spent either bending metal to my will, or searching online for the next great idea.
Those few times I have managed to pull myself away from my new hobby have been well-spent indeed. Many-a time hangin' out with MistressMinx... partying at Obi's (Yay!!!
)... hangin out with some of Minxy's more intriguing friends (one of which can actually claim to have smuggled Absynthe in his ass)... and just generally making a hooligan of myself.
All in all an incredible two months absence, and I've come to realize I truely love all of you!
(On a side-note: PEOPLE!!! STOP GOING GREY!!!! It's not nice!)
EDIT(2nd side note: Be prepared to cry... Oh, and get the grey uniforms ready... times they are a-changin'.)
So, I've recently discovered a new love. No, it's neither female, nor automotive... though I can understand how you might make that mistake... it's chainmail, believe it or don't (as in the armour-type stuff... not the annoying letter-type stuff that you have to send to 10 people or the world will end).
While I was in high school, a good friend of mine managed to work his way into making chainmail... not sure how he did it, or what the hell gave him the idea to, but he did nonetheless. Anyway, this piqued my interest and I determined at that point (neigh on 8 years ago, now) that I was, myself, going to get into this obscure and interesting hobby.
Well, I never did. Being that I was jobless and in high-school... I had ever-so-little coin with which to amuse myself, and as such, could never have the money to buy supplies. My days-long dream of fashioning a chainmail suit of armour fell by the way-side to be forgotten.
Until I found myself, dazed and confused, in Moose Jaw. One of the guys I work with makes chainmail, and I found this out about a year ago. Again, my interest was piqued, but apparently not enough to actually put some time into finding out how I might get my own supplies and what-not... until very recently.
As I sat at the computer, staring at my open Internet Explorer window, wondering what new and exciting site I might stumble upon this time (and apparently not updating my journal), the thought crept into my head that I had never followed up that chainmail idea...
A quick Google search then revealed a number of sites dedicated to this arcane craft... some of which were merchant sites, no less. My interest, suddenly reaching a new high as I realized that, yes, you too can make chainmail, I finally placed an order with a company located very near Saskatoon!
My excitement reached a fever-pitch a week later when my order finally arrived... nine hours later I was still holding two pliers in my hands, opening and closing rings. I am now the proud barer of many pounds of metal... some of which actually resembles an honest-to-god something!

Almost every waking moment since has been spent either bending metal to my will, or searching online for the next great idea.
Those few times I have managed to pull myself away from my new hobby have been well-spent indeed. Many-a time hangin' out with MistressMinx... partying at Obi's (Yay!!!

All in all an incredible two months absence, and I've come to realize I truely love all of you!
(On a side-note: PEOPLE!!! STOP GOING GREY!!!! It's not nice!)
EDIT(2nd side note: Be prepared to cry... Oh, and get the grey uniforms ready... times they are a-changin'.)
I have a feeling that I will pbly be rejected.. so now worrieS!