Wow, okay... um... could I suck as any more than I do RIGHT now?! Holy snappin' crap! It's been damn-friggin-near a MONTH since I've updated (I'm absolutely certain none of you were aware of that, so I thought I'd rectify the issue!).
Okay, well, first off I must (AGAIN) appologize for being a fuck-wad. I make no excuses other than the fact that it seems work has been throwing shitty news after shitty news at me. I still love the job itself to no end, but we've had a trainee in position for the past month or so and... well... it wasn't goin' so well. Or at least, it wasn't going nearly as well as it really should have been, considering he'd been qualified in the position before... Whatever... as I said, no excuses... just my abundant appologies.
Alright, then, onto the news... Well, for the past little while (okay, fine, for the past 3 months or so), I've been wallowing in self-pity due to the fact that I had managed to get myself in debt to the point where it was seriously starting to scare me. Not so far that it wasn't recoverable (even without extra funds), but far enough that it frightened the hell out of me and actually made me go to bed shaking 'cause I was worried that it could get to the point of no return.
So, in a valiant and well-calculated attempt to aleviate my financial concerns I went to the bank last week and said, "Hey, give me money, dammit!"
Okay, I think I actually phrased it, "Umm, excuse me, but if you don't mind... assuming it isn't too much trouble... would you be able to give me a small loan... perhaps? I'll... I'll pay it all back and all... I, umm, I just need some money to make myself NOT POOR!"
Thankfully the pittiful-poor-sot routine seems to work on relatively young, married bank attendants, and I was approved for the loan. Debts paid off, furniture for the dining room (soon to be the pub) bought, and, and AND!!!!! New car bought!!!!
Well, new to me at least. I am now the especially proud owner of a beautiful 1983 Pontiac Trans Am. GLEE!!!
And for those of you uncertain, this piece of automotive beauty was built from a 1982 Trans Am ('82s and '83s had almost exactly the same body.. and the '83 was used in some of the later episodes)... And yes, I do have the hood scoop too!
There will be pictures forthcoming, however, that would involve me getting near the car without the overwhelming desire to drive it... that hasn't happened so far, but when it does, I'll upload some pictures.
Picked her (the car) up Friday night after about three hours wandering around, waiting for the guy that was selling it to me to get home and getting horribly wet in the process (I love how fast a storm can build, unleash it's wrath and be gone around here!). Drove it home in the torential tidal-wave that most people who've lived here all their lives call a "storm". Turned out to be a particularily good way to get used to the car, considering there were a number of occasions where I was utterly blinded by the lightning that was no more than a couple miles off, directly ahead of me!!!
In any event, she came to her new home safely and did a fantabulous job of getting me BACK into Regina the next day to help our dear MistressMinx warm her new house. Much fun was had, awesome and attractive people met, and reminisinces... uh... reminised.
Oh, and I learned this past weekend that a hollow-core, non-insulated hand does absolutely nothing to soften the sound of one's voice when trying to tell a secret!
I awoke the next "morning" to the dulcet tones of Minxy's voice informing us all (well, the two of us that remained) that she was to be picked up shortly to go to a party (a hint, maybe?
). However, before I disappear, I am told, the car must be shown off. (Aww fine!
Who am I kidding, I love showing off my car... uh... cars, now, I suppose).
So I bring my gracious hostess to the outside to behold the beauty that Pontiac had imbedded in this car... only to learn that my car apparently has a jealous streak a mile wide running through her! For a full five minutes I'm sitting in the driver's seat listening to my brand new love utterly refuse to run in any kind of healthy manner!
Finally she decides that any longer might seem un-seemly, and decides to turn over. She sounds wonderful, and I'm grinning from ear to ear. However, she apparently didn't seem to think it'd be unseemly if she stalls as soon as she's put into gear... then again as I try to coax her from a standing start at a stop-sign...
It seems that the mere act of having a beautiful woman sit in the passenger seat was plenty of reason to get jealous, be difficult and do her damndest to embarass me!!
I think I know now why most men refer to their cars as women...

Okay, well, first off I must (AGAIN) appologize for being a fuck-wad. I make no excuses other than the fact that it seems work has been throwing shitty news after shitty news at me. I still love the job itself to no end, but we've had a trainee in position for the past month or so and... well... it wasn't goin' so well. Or at least, it wasn't going nearly as well as it really should have been, considering he'd been qualified in the position before... Whatever... as I said, no excuses... just my abundant appologies.
Alright, then, onto the news... Well, for the past little while (okay, fine, for the past 3 months or so), I've been wallowing in self-pity due to the fact that I had managed to get myself in debt to the point where it was seriously starting to scare me. Not so far that it wasn't recoverable (even without extra funds), but far enough that it frightened the hell out of me and actually made me go to bed shaking 'cause I was worried that it could get to the point of no return.
So, in a valiant and well-calculated attempt to aleviate my financial concerns I went to the bank last week and said, "Hey, give me money, dammit!"
Okay, I think I actually phrased it, "Umm, excuse me, but if you don't mind... assuming it isn't too much trouble... would you be able to give me a small loan... perhaps? I'll... I'll pay it all back and all... I, umm, I just need some money to make myself NOT POOR!"
Thankfully the pittiful-poor-sot routine seems to work on relatively young, married bank attendants, and I was approved for the loan. Debts paid off, furniture for the dining room (soon to be the pub) bought, and, and AND!!!!! New car bought!!!!
Well, new to me at least. I am now the especially proud owner of a beautiful 1983 Pontiac Trans Am. GLEE!!!
And for those of you uncertain, this piece of automotive beauty was built from a 1982 Trans Am ('82s and '83s had almost exactly the same body.. and the '83 was used in some of the later episodes)... And yes, I do have the hood scoop too!

There will be pictures forthcoming, however, that would involve me getting near the car without the overwhelming desire to drive it... that hasn't happened so far, but when it does, I'll upload some pictures.
Picked her (the car) up Friday night after about three hours wandering around, waiting for the guy that was selling it to me to get home and getting horribly wet in the process (I love how fast a storm can build, unleash it's wrath and be gone around here!). Drove it home in the torential tidal-wave that most people who've lived here all their lives call a "storm". Turned out to be a particularily good way to get used to the car, considering there were a number of occasions where I was utterly blinded by the lightning that was no more than a couple miles off, directly ahead of me!!!
In any event, she came to her new home safely and did a fantabulous job of getting me BACK into Regina the next day to help our dear MistressMinx warm her new house. Much fun was had, awesome and attractive people met, and reminisinces... uh... reminised.
Oh, and I learned this past weekend that a hollow-core, non-insulated hand does absolutely nothing to soften the sound of one's voice when trying to tell a secret!

I awoke the next "morning" to the dulcet tones of Minxy's voice informing us all (well, the two of us that remained) that she was to be picked up shortly to go to a party (a hint, maybe?

So I bring my gracious hostess to the outside to behold the beauty that Pontiac had imbedded in this car... only to learn that my car apparently has a jealous streak a mile wide running through her! For a full five minutes I'm sitting in the driver's seat listening to my brand new love utterly refuse to run in any kind of healthy manner!
Finally she decides that any longer might seem un-seemly, and decides to turn over. She sounds wonderful, and I'm grinning from ear to ear. However, she apparently didn't seem to think it'd be unseemly if she stalls as soon as she's put into gear... then again as I try to coax her from a standing start at a stop-sign...
It seems that the mere act of having a beautiful woman sit in the passenger seat was plenty of reason to get jealous, be difficult and do her damndest to embarass me!!
I think I know now why most men refer to their cars as women...

now dammit!
are you better yet?
there. kisses of betteness.
perhaps some spontenaeity this weekend if you are feeling up to it? are you involved with the airshow on saturday? me and angelus were thinking of coming into town.
get back to me sexy and tell me whatcha think.