Kay... so, um... this weekend did absolutely nothing to put a stop to my week-long binge... *whimper*
Made it out to S'toon that was awesome. Got off work around 5:30 Friday and about an hour later, we managed to round up whitewidow and the roomie's gf and hit the road. Made it into Toon Town at a reasonable time, and thankfully managed to get a hold of people with little enough trouble.
However, we suddenly realized that it's now almost 9 and none of us have any booze... hrm, that's not at all condusive to a night of drinking... gotta rectify that. So we start wandering the city and find a liquor "store". Well... it wasn't so much a store as it was maybe a liquor cabinet. Ever wonder what a liquor store with no booze might look like? It actually looks kinda like a furniture store that sells nothing but shelves, and likes to decorate them with a random scattering of bottles. It was honestly the most pathetic thing I've ever seen! It was so staggering and bewildering that I actually had to ask the clerk what the deal was.
His answer? "We're just waiting for our shipment to come in." Okay, fair enough, but how the hell does a liquor store not notice that it no longer has any booze?!?! I mean, when you can see the back of 80% of the shelves without having to move anything, there's probably something wrong!
Okay, whatever, grabbed some beer and on our way. We get back to the hotel and waste no time with idle chatter. Instantly the beer-fridge is stocked (Oh, yeah, we got the same room we had last time!
Are we dorks or what!
). Then tha roomie's gf decided it was high-time she broke out her party trick.
This is the coolest thing ever! This chick can actually bite of bottle-caps! Now, I know this may not seem as amazing as I make it out to be, but if you haven't seen it, you really have to. It's actually kinda sexy... is that wrong?
Okay, whatever, so the rest of the night went along pretty much as most of you are probably imagining... lots of drinking, lots of mess to clean up the next day, mandatory visit from hotel security (*goofy nasal voice* "Can you guys keep it down, we've had a number of complaints." Aww, come on, it's only 1:30am! Come back at 4 when we'll likely be causing a *real* disturbance!), lots of chit-chat (most of which was either completely incomprehensible, or utterly random, both of which are cool, I suppose), and lots of drinking (did I mention that yet?).
So, the next morning, 10:00 came around at least an hour or two earlier than it had any right to, and I had to drag my sorry ass out of bed (which was really dificult... I had lots of incentive not to...). Briefly I considered trying to wake everyone else up, but I figured, Fuck it! I want the shower first, and I ain't fightin' anyone for it (Yay, shower! Did I mention the shower-head there yet?).
So after the shower, I come to find out that waking everyone else up is not as easy a proposition as I thought... 20 minutes of "Hey! Get the hell up, we gotta clean and get the hell out of here soon!"
Okay, I'm not entirely convinced it came out quite that articulate... I'm pretty sure I was still drunk at the time... I know my roomie was!
He was kinda in rough shape.
Well, more money was spent that day... our trips to Toon Town are starting to get expensive... certainly more expensive than they have any right to be...
Roomie picked up some new speakers for his car... they fuckin' kick ass! AND he's giving me the old ones! Soon enough I'm going to have a 6 speaker sound system in my car... If I can figure out where to mount the 6 1/4's, I may even have an 8 speaker system! How wrong is that!
Oh! AND AND AND!!!!! I gots me a new sword! *swoon* Picked myself up a replica of Glamdring. Gandalf's sword for those less inclined toward Middle-Earth lore. It's friggin beautiful! Point to pommel it stands about 4 feet long (I'm guess-timating). Hand-forged live steel, and balanced a lot better than I would have expected from any budget sword. Gah! I couldn't be more pleased with it... pictures will follow... once I get over the excitement of holding it a little, anyway!
So that was Friday night. Saturday night was spent at the Royal again! Grr, I hate that place with the burning passion of a thousand... things that are really passionate! And yet, I keep ending up there!! WHY!!!! Ahh well, wasn't there long so whatever.
Then last night, I go over to my friends place to watch (get this) the ENTIRE series of AstroBoy!!!! *dance* Oh, wait, though, one problem... it's a fucking RE-MAKE!!!! GODDAMMIT!!!!! There was not ONE freakin' episode from my youth! How the hell am I supposed to quench my thirst for nostalgia when this kinda crap gets thrown at me! AND it wasn't even a decent re-make!!!! (though that basically goes without saying).
How do I fix this problem... I don't... I ended up spending the night there drinking and watching Sex & The City all night... oddly enough, there was quite a bit of groping going on! I suppose Sex & The City can do that do a trio of sexually-frustrated 20-somethings. Ahh well, good times, good times!
That brings me to here... staring at the clock... counting to minutes before I ABSOLUTELY have to jump in the shower (I'm procrastinating like mad here), and trying to figure out how I managed to get myself into a week-long binge when I didn't even have any time off from work... Maybe I can use this week to recover... Kay, let me re-phrase that... I *need* to use this week to recover... I think my liver has broken out and left me for dead at some point...
K, bye!
Made it out to S'toon that was awesome. Got off work around 5:30 Friday and about an hour later, we managed to round up whitewidow and the roomie's gf and hit the road. Made it into Toon Town at a reasonable time, and thankfully managed to get a hold of people with little enough trouble.
However, we suddenly realized that it's now almost 9 and none of us have any booze... hrm, that's not at all condusive to a night of drinking... gotta rectify that. So we start wandering the city and find a liquor "store". Well... it wasn't so much a store as it was maybe a liquor cabinet. Ever wonder what a liquor store with no booze might look like? It actually looks kinda like a furniture store that sells nothing but shelves, and likes to decorate them with a random scattering of bottles. It was honestly the most pathetic thing I've ever seen! It was so staggering and bewildering that I actually had to ask the clerk what the deal was.
His answer? "We're just waiting for our shipment to come in." Okay, fair enough, but how the hell does a liquor store not notice that it no longer has any booze?!?! I mean, when you can see the back of 80% of the shelves without having to move anything, there's probably something wrong!
Okay, whatever, grabbed some beer and on our way. We get back to the hotel and waste no time with idle chatter. Instantly the beer-fridge is stocked (Oh, yeah, we got the same room we had last time!

This is the coolest thing ever! This chick can actually bite of bottle-caps! Now, I know this may not seem as amazing as I make it out to be, but if you haven't seen it, you really have to. It's actually kinda sexy... is that wrong?
Okay, whatever, so the rest of the night went along pretty much as most of you are probably imagining... lots of drinking, lots of mess to clean up the next day, mandatory visit from hotel security (*goofy nasal voice* "Can you guys keep it down, we've had a number of complaints." Aww, come on, it's only 1:30am! Come back at 4 when we'll likely be causing a *real* disturbance!), lots of chit-chat (most of which was either completely incomprehensible, or utterly random, both of which are cool, I suppose), and lots of drinking (did I mention that yet?).
So, the next morning, 10:00 came around at least an hour or two earlier than it had any right to, and I had to drag my sorry ass out of bed (which was really dificult... I had lots of incentive not to...). Briefly I considered trying to wake everyone else up, but I figured, Fuck it! I want the shower first, and I ain't fightin' anyone for it (Yay, shower! Did I mention the shower-head there yet?).
So after the shower, I come to find out that waking everyone else up is not as easy a proposition as I thought... 20 minutes of "Hey! Get the hell up, we gotta clean and get the hell out of here soon!"
Okay, I'm not entirely convinced it came out quite that articulate... I'm pretty sure I was still drunk at the time... I know my roomie was!

Well, more money was spent that day... our trips to Toon Town are starting to get expensive... certainly more expensive than they have any right to be...
Roomie picked up some new speakers for his car... they fuckin' kick ass! AND he's giving me the old ones! Soon enough I'm going to have a 6 speaker sound system in my car... If I can figure out where to mount the 6 1/4's, I may even have an 8 speaker system! How wrong is that!

Oh! AND AND AND!!!!! I gots me a new sword! *swoon* Picked myself up a replica of Glamdring. Gandalf's sword for those less inclined toward Middle-Earth lore. It's friggin beautiful! Point to pommel it stands about 4 feet long (I'm guess-timating). Hand-forged live steel, and balanced a lot better than I would have expected from any budget sword. Gah! I couldn't be more pleased with it... pictures will follow... once I get over the excitement of holding it a little, anyway!

So that was Friday night. Saturday night was spent at the Royal again! Grr, I hate that place with the burning passion of a thousand... things that are really passionate! And yet, I keep ending up there!! WHY!!!! Ahh well, wasn't there long so whatever.
Then last night, I go over to my friends place to watch (get this) the ENTIRE series of AstroBoy!!!! *dance* Oh, wait, though, one problem... it's a fucking RE-MAKE!!!! GODDAMMIT!!!!! There was not ONE freakin' episode from my youth! How the hell am I supposed to quench my thirst for nostalgia when this kinda crap gets thrown at me! AND it wasn't even a decent re-make!!!! (though that basically goes without saying).
How do I fix this problem... I don't... I ended up spending the night there drinking and watching Sex & The City all night... oddly enough, there was quite a bit of groping going on! I suppose Sex & The City can do that do a trio of sexually-frustrated 20-somethings. Ahh well, good times, good times!

That brings me to here... staring at the clock... counting to minutes before I ABSOLUTELY have to jump in the shower (I'm procrastinating like mad here), and trying to figure out how I managed to get myself into a week-long binge when I didn't even have any time off from work... Maybe I can use this week to recover... Kay, let me re-phrase that... I *need* to use this week to recover... I think my liver has broken out and left me for dead at some point...
K, bye!
that is for going to the stupid crazy bar and not the socialable bar with me
i wanted to see the cool_spot, and i never got my chance.... *wimper, sob*