Holy crap! Do I ever suck balls. Okay, many many applogies for my recent conspicuous absence. I've no excuse other than the fact that I've been having a retarded amount of fun over the past week-and-a-bit, and haven't sat at my computer for more than 30 seconds in just about forever.
Okay, so last weekend was kinda slow, which was a nice change of pace (although it didn't last long, read on, dear friend). Sat around the house for the most part... had a few drinks... I think... hard to remember through the fog that has been this entire week. Although I did get to watch National Treasure! Highly under-rated movie... I don't get it, the hype for it seemed pretty high, I never met anyone that didn't like it, and now that it's out on DVD, it's moving like crazy... and yet, it was only in theatres for a few weeks!! What the hell??? Whatever, great movie, but then again I could eat all that Illuminati/Mason/Templar Knight crap for Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper, and I'd still come back for more...
Okay, so Monday I have to get up all early and crap 'cause my schedule sucked this week, and I've been working mornings all week! Ahh, well, I've lucked out on afternoon shifts for quite some time, so I have no room to bitch.
Anyway, the roomie's finally gotten over the ex for the most part, which is fan-fuckin'-tabulous, and we started hanging out with a number of old friends again. One of which invited us out to a restaurant/lounge deally to hang out with her and a couple of her friends. I was all, "Nyah, I can't I gotta work in the morning *whine* *whine* *whine*" And I actually thought I might get away with it for a while, except that my friend from way back East is around and I had to give him a lift home... so naturally, being that I was in town anyway... Guh! FINE! I'll go!
So I show up, wander about a bit in search of friendlies, and I finally find them out on the patio. 'Kay, so 10 out of 10 for style, but minus about five hundred out of 10 for smarts... turned out it was kinda cold out Monday, and yet, none of us seemed to notice.
Didn't matter really, though, since we all ended up back at our house with a hankerin' for some beer! Well, we all turned out to be myself, tha roomie, a little chicky-friend we've been hanging out with for some time, and like 4 other people that neither myself nor my roomie knew in the least! Turns out, it was fucking fun! We all got friggin' blitzed, and at around 2am, I figured, alright, if I'm going to be a good boy, I had better get to bed now. And now I'm thinkin', "Well, if I get three hours sleep, work'll be tough, but I can giv'er!"
Well, turns out that 3 hours was a pipe-dream, as circumstances beyond my control forced me to get no more than about 45 minutes sleep!!! Work sucked ass on Tuesday, let me tell you!
So Tuesday I stumble my way back into the house after "work" (which I prefer to refer to as sleep, interupted by the occasional airplane), and am thinking to myself, "Self?"
And I says, "Shut the hell up, I'm goin' to bed!"
So I try... well, unfortunately the huge gaggle of people that were sleeping in various states of discomfort all decided that now was just about the time to wake up! Grr! Fuck it! Slam the door, go to sleep, all will be well....
...Phone rings... sonofabitch!
It's the friend from down East.... sonofabitch... I can't just not answer... damn...
He wants me to pick him up... sonofabitch... FINE! But I'm sleeping when we get back here. No problem! That's fine, just come pick me up.
How foolish do you think it might have been to think I'd be able to get back to sleep when I got back? That's right, pretty damn foolish... I didn't get to sleep... and what's more... people decided it'd be a good idea to come out again that night and booze it up some more! Ugh! This is going to hurt isn't it??
YUP!! Shore did! Being the social butterfly that I am, I couldn't drag myself away from the festivities! Are you kidding?!
So Wednesday at work pretty much sucked ass too... not as bad as Tuesday, but that's not saying much.
Then last night, we all collectively decided that it was high time we all sat about watching foolish movies all night (I want to emphasize that this was all without consent of my liver... I want that to be perfectly clear). So what movies do we settle on? Kung-Pao: Enter the Fist, Ice Age, and Finding Nemo!
And we LAUGHED, oh my god did we laugh... and again I didn't get to bed until about 3am... I is much stupid, I promise!
Ahh, well, the happiest of happy is that I get to sleep in tomorrow! WOOHOO! I can drink AND I can sleep it off too! How cool is that?!?!
Anyway, back to the time before the week of drink... at some point in there I had the ever-enjoyable pleasure of hanging out with whitewidow for almost an entire day... t'was very nice... and she got her new tattoo, which is just neat-o! I likes it lots.
Oh, OH! AND I got to see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!!!! Uber-YAY! Was quite goot! And what's more there was a wee little cameo from the old Marvin (from the film that was done ages upon ages ago) was in it too! How cool is that?!
Okay... *phew* I think that covers just about all of my absence... I'm going to have to make sure I get on here more often... esspecially on weeks like this one has been... otherwise I'm bound to rot my eye-balls out every time I update, just 'cause they take so friggin' long!
Ahh! Crap! Forgot one thing... this weekend it looks like the roomie and I are going to be in S'Toon again... and as per usual, we still have no concrete plans, though as it stands at the moment we're going to be buggering off from here right after I get off work... around 5 or 6ish... and I'm almost 99.99% certain that whitewidow will ACTUALLY be able to attend this time... so long as her work doesn't fuck her over at the last second again...
Okay, that's it, I'm done. No more typing for a while... my fingers hurt... my wrists hurt... my liver's crying...
Okay, so last weekend was kinda slow, which was a nice change of pace (although it didn't last long, read on, dear friend). Sat around the house for the most part... had a few drinks... I think... hard to remember through the fog that has been this entire week. Although I did get to watch National Treasure! Highly under-rated movie... I don't get it, the hype for it seemed pretty high, I never met anyone that didn't like it, and now that it's out on DVD, it's moving like crazy... and yet, it was only in theatres for a few weeks!! What the hell??? Whatever, great movie, but then again I could eat all that Illuminati/Mason/Templar Knight crap for Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper, and I'd still come back for more...
Okay, so Monday I have to get up all early and crap 'cause my schedule sucked this week, and I've been working mornings all week! Ahh, well, I've lucked out on afternoon shifts for quite some time, so I have no room to bitch.
Anyway, the roomie's finally gotten over the ex for the most part, which is fan-fuckin'-tabulous, and we started hanging out with a number of old friends again. One of which invited us out to a restaurant/lounge deally to hang out with her and a couple of her friends. I was all, "Nyah, I can't I gotta work in the morning *whine* *whine* *whine*" And I actually thought I might get away with it for a while, except that my friend from way back East is around and I had to give him a lift home... so naturally, being that I was in town anyway... Guh! FINE! I'll go!
So I show up, wander about a bit in search of friendlies, and I finally find them out on the patio. 'Kay, so 10 out of 10 for style, but minus about five hundred out of 10 for smarts... turned out it was kinda cold out Monday, and yet, none of us seemed to notice.
Didn't matter really, though, since we all ended up back at our house with a hankerin' for some beer! Well, we all turned out to be myself, tha roomie, a little chicky-friend we've been hanging out with for some time, and like 4 other people that neither myself nor my roomie knew in the least! Turns out, it was fucking fun! We all got friggin' blitzed, and at around 2am, I figured, alright, if I'm going to be a good boy, I had better get to bed now. And now I'm thinkin', "Well, if I get three hours sleep, work'll be tough, but I can giv'er!"
Well, turns out that 3 hours was a pipe-dream, as circumstances beyond my control forced me to get no more than about 45 minutes sleep!!! Work sucked ass on Tuesday, let me tell you!
So Tuesday I stumble my way back into the house after "work" (which I prefer to refer to as sleep, interupted by the occasional airplane), and am thinking to myself, "Self?"
And I says, "Shut the hell up, I'm goin' to bed!"
So I try... well, unfortunately the huge gaggle of people that were sleeping in various states of discomfort all decided that now was just about the time to wake up! Grr! Fuck it! Slam the door, go to sleep, all will be well....
...Phone rings... sonofabitch!
It's the friend from down East.... sonofabitch... I can't just not answer... damn...
He wants me to pick him up... sonofabitch... FINE! But I'm sleeping when we get back here. No problem! That's fine, just come pick me up.
How foolish do you think it might have been to think I'd be able to get back to sleep when I got back? That's right, pretty damn foolish... I didn't get to sleep... and what's more... people decided it'd be a good idea to come out again that night and booze it up some more! Ugh! This is going to hurt isn't it??
YUP!! Shore did! Being the social butterfly that I am, I couldn't drag myself away from the festivities! Are you kidding?!
So Wednesday at work pretty much sucked ass too... not as bad as Tuesday, but that's not saying much.
Then last night, we all collectively decided that it was high time we all sat about watching foolish movies all night (I want to emphasize that this was all without consent of my liver... I want that to be perfectly clear). So what movies do we settle on? Kung-Pao: Enter the Fist, Ice Age, and Finding Nemo!
And we LAUGHED, oh my god did we laugh... and again I didn't get to bed until about 3am... I is much stupid, I promise!
Ahh, well, the happiest of happy is that I get to sleep in tomorrow! WOOHOO! I can drink AND I can sleep it off too! How cool is that?!?!
Anyway, back to the time before the week of drink... at some point in there I had the ever-enjoyable pleasure of hanging out with whitewidow for almost an entire day... t'was very nice... and she got her new tattoo, which is just neat-o! I likes it lots.
Oh, OH! AND I got to see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!!!! Uber-YAY! Was quite goot! And what's more there was a wee little cameo from the old Marvin (from the film that was done ages upon ages ago) was in it too! How cool is that?!
Okay... *phew* I think that covers just about all of my absence... I'm going to have to make sure I get on here more often... esspecially on weeks like this one has been... otherwise I'm bound to rot my eye-balls out every time I update, just 'cause they take so friggin' long!
Ahh! Crap! Forgot one thing... this weekend it looks like the roomie and I are going to be in S'Toon again... and as per usual, we still have no concrete plans, though as it stands at the moment we're going to be buggering off from here right after I get off work... around 5 or 6ish... and I'm almost 99.99% certain that whitewidow will ACTUALLY be able to attend this time... so long as her work doesn't fuck her over at the last second again...

Okay, that's it, I'm done. No more typing for a while... my fingers hurt... my wrists hurt... my liver's crying...
Mmm, Fatal Fram. Most tasty and creepy...