Weekends kick ASS!
This weekend was just about the coolest of the cool (well, except for the fact that none of the Regina crowd were there... I think all should take heed of TokyoSeven's advice on the 5'S' party...).
Okay, coolness begin.... NOW!
Friday night, I had to work the afternoon shift, which didn't get me home until a little later than I would have otherwise liked, but whatever, there's still plenty of time to rock up the night and whatnot. So I get home and start chillin' with my roommie a bit, lookin' to figure out what exactly is on the agenda... we talk it over, start plannin' shit, start makin' calls and whatnot....
So I call up whitewidow in the hopes that she might be able to attend the random stupidity that's likely to ensue at McNally's, but unfortunately her self-centered wench of a roommate manged to put her into a fowl mood, AND she had just found out work had screwed her over for the weekend, so she was in no mood to be social... understandable.
Finally plans are all laid out and shit's goin' on! We hop in the cars (yes, we took both cars, 'cause they're both awesome-sex-tacular, and there's nothing better than driving around in an awesome-sex-tacular car with another awesome-sex-tacular car right beside you), and we head off to pick up the other two that were coming with us. Couple of girls we've known for a while and who are just keen people.
Well, these two girls are the type that can take plans that are already set in motion and planned down to the second and STILL make them take longer than expected... somehow we ended up driving around Moose Jaw for about an hour picking up little shit and making sure everything was as it should be before we left... GAH! Well, whatever, eventually we finally hit the highway and made our way East-bound to the city that rhymes with fun.
Okay, so I was just a little off on my prior comment... there is, in fact, one thing cooler than driving amidst a bunch of awesome-sex-tacularness. When the dude in the other car likes driving as much as you do, and has the same danger-fun gene as you do, driving on the highway for a decent amount of time can be the coolest thing ever! If you've ever seen the Hell Drivers, you'll know what I mean. They're a group of like 10 cars or something equally stupid, and they do a retarded number of kick-ass stunts... skill-driving, ramps, explosions, that kinda deal. Anyway, one of their fun eye-candy stunts is as they're driving around the track in formation, two-by-two, they're weaving in and out of eachother, changing positions seemingly at random, and making it look like the coolest thing on 40 wheels.
Okay, whatever, the point is, my roommie and I are both mildly retarded as soon as we get into a vehicle, and we were doing this kinda shit all the way to Regina, 'cause honestly, that drive is boring as all get out! What was really fun, was the fact that the girls had split up, so one of them was sitting in each car. I don't know about the one in my roommie's car, but the one that came with me was alternating between excitement and "OHMYGODYOU'REGONNAKILLMESTOPDOINGTHATDAMMIT!"... it was GREAT!!!!!
Whew! Alright, so we finally make it to McNally's... and it's PACKED (no surprise), and we STILL managed to find a table (don't know what it is about that bar, but I've always managed to find a table... every time!). And we're chillin', hangin out, enjoying the band (decent, not as good as last week, but decent), and this big dude starts coming over... and he starts chatting with one of the girls.
Now, she obviously knows this dude, but this is the same girl that knows the brick-with-legs that wanted to make me and my roommate resemble hamburger meat last week. So immediately we both look at eachother and think, "Ahh, shit... we're not gonna make it outta this bar alive, are we?"
Well, it turned out this dude and his friend were just about the coolest guys ever! They sat at the table right up until we decided it was time to head out, and we had GREAT conversation with these guys (even though the big dude mentioned he has a Chevy Cobalt... little bastard... I want one).
Anyway we were both pleasently, and very happily relieved, and we buggered off. The drive home was even more eventfull than the drive up... now, of course, we both have just enough alcohol in us to loosen ourselves up a little, which turns out, is a problem... see when we loosen up a little, apparently our feet get a little heavier... and we were still doing the Hell Driver shit all the way home (which didn't take long, considering the needles didn't drop below 130, and that was when we were being cautious)... FUN SHIT!
Okay, okay, so we finally get home and we tired as all hell, so naturally, everybody grabs another drink and sits on the couch. For about an hour we were probably the most sorry sight you've seen in a while... except that we had a lot of fun tormenting the dog with a little stuffed reindeer that sang god-awefull Christmas carols! I tell ya, that dog was as scared of it as any sane person would be... but then again, our dog is a pussy, so whatever.
After our torturous fun, we realized the clock had either stopped many hours ago, or it is in fact 3am... which sucks since we're supposed to be getting in the cars AGAIN and going to S'Toon the next morning... or that morning, however you want to look at it. We had initially planned on rising early and getting out of the city no later than 11 (we had some running around planned for that morning too), but unfortunately neither of us could bring ourselves to greet the day with anything but a single-digit salute until about 11:30... so that plan went down the pipes quick.
So we roused ourselves reluctantly into consiousness... gathered our shit together, got in the cars, got out of the cars, grabbed the shit we had just realized was still sitting in the house, got back in the cars, dropped off the girls and the dog, got some coffee and left... FINALLY!
We didn't get out of town until about one o'clock, and the extensive drive to Toon Town was significantly less interesting than the drive to Regina... however I did come to realize that driving through Qu'Appell Valley at a buck-fourty is retardedly fun! Especially when you crest the second hill and have to pass an oil-tanker... still doing about 130... on uneven asphalt... around a fairly sharp corner... mildly hungover. Good times!
So we make it to S'Toon in a pretty decent 2 hours, and start randomly driving about, 'cause neither of us really know the city that well... lo and behold, what pops before our eyes but Tiger Automotive! WooHoo! As I'm sure most are aware, the two of us have a lot of fun sinking money into our respective vehicles, and confronted with the oportunity to look at more useless shit we can affix to our cars, we readily accept... usually to the utter detriment of our bank accounts.
This was no exception, immediately (or as immediate as any driving in S'Toon would allow), we enter the store and drop to our knees to pay our respects. About an hour of random wandering was capped with my roommate spending a goodly amount of money on new head-light bulbs, and my spending what could have been a college fund on a new Ractive muffler.
Grinning from ear-to-ear and still with no direction as of yet, we leave the store and start wandering the city again... conveniently we happen upon TokyoSeven's place of work and wonder if perchance he might be working. Sure enough he is, and we stop by and pass some idle chit-chat with him for a bit before deciding that we had both been stupid and neglected to bring any clubbin' clothes... GRR!!!
TO THE MALL! We make it to the mall with about 10 minutes to spare before they lock us in for good, and believe it or not, we both actually managed to by complete outfits for ourselves for the night! YAY! New clothes rule!
Okay... this is about the point where we realize we still don't know where we're sleeping for the night... TO THE CARS! We hop in the cars and now start wandering the city in search of a place of rest. Now we both have pretty decent stereos in our cars, and have taken to listening to a fair bit of rap and hip-hop (mostly for the rediculous bass, you realize), so naturally, when a big Holiday Inn Express sign looms over the horizon, we are inexorably drawn to it like the proverbial moth to a flame.
We walk to the front desk and apparently they're all booked up... damn. HOWEVER, she does have two rooms on a 6 o'clock hold, and if we're willing to wait the 15 minutes, there might be something available. Alright, our respective asses are getting tired from driving so much anyway, so we sit and have some complimentary coffee and while away some minutes. Back to the counter at about a 5 after six, and sure enough, we gots ourselves a room....
And WHAT a room! We managed to luck into one of the suites, and I tells ya, it was SCHWEET! BIG room, two TV's (which could both be controlled with one remote!
), a wrap-around kitchenette, including a bar fridge, HUGE king-sized bed, fold-out couch, a bathroom with the most kick-ass shower-head EVER, and ROBES! We had robes, man!
For one night, we were kings!
Planning from this point was a long and drawn out affair, TokyoSeven was busy helping others moves ('cause he just kicks ass like that), Asthenia was doing the gym thing ('cause her body just kicks ass like that), and various others were just neigh-on impossible to make contact with. However, having said that, eventually people started to arrive, and the night started to rock all that has ever been rocked before.
It was good times filled with glasses being emptied, a camera being snapped, stereos thumpin (which damn near got us kicked out!
), and nipples being bitten... I'm still not sure where that bit came from, but I sure as hell ain't complainin!
That morning was a little rough... but naturally, we slogged our way through it, and after managing to force down some much-needed coffee, we head once again to the mall. BAD idea! BAD BAD BAD idea! First store we hit was one of those little key-cutting places that always seem to have Zippos, flasks, pens and all that other engravable crap that almost no-one ever buys or really needs. Still not sure why we stopped there, but a Zippo, some fluid and two cut-keys later we finally left (oh, but the chick at the counter was cute, did I forget to mention that?). So we finally start to wanderin' again and notice a hat-stand kiosk-typle deally... we're both pretty big into hats and whatnot, so we stop by and peruse the selection... BAM hat bought, and another 20 minutes killed. Oh, and the hat-sellin' chicky was cute...
Off again to wander a bit... Ooo! Bootlegger is open... probably not a good idea, but we go in anyway... roomie grabs some jeans... I contemplate it... he buys the jeans (TWENTY-TWO FUCKIN' DOLLARS!!!!)... I contemplate it some more... but I hate buying jeans... love having them, hate buying them. Hate myself more for not buying $22 jeans... yes, you're more than welcome to call me stupid, I'm well aware. Oh, and the jean-sellin' chicky was uber-cute...
Alright... I think it's time to leave... Oh, shit... SportCheck... not good. So we're wandering around SportCheck... IRELAND SOCCER JERSEY?!?! Holy-fuckin'-shit! Roomie's Irish, and has been willing to take a life to have one, so into the bag it went... right next to the England one I had to buy, naturally... along with the generic Umbro soccer shirt I had to get... and I don't even really like soccer!!! But I love the shirts, so whatever. Oh, and soccer-jersey sellin' dude... not so cute...
But the SportCheck cash-register chicky... very cute!
At that point I think we'd both come to realize that our respective bank-accounts are nearly in tears, beggging us to leave them alone for a bit, so we hop in the cars and make our way home... fuck that can be a long drive with a headache....
*sigh* I like weekends... they're fun!

This weekend was just about the coolest of the cool (well, except for the fact that none of the Regina crowd were there... I think all should take heed of TokyoSeven's advice on the 5'S' party...).
Okay, coolness begin.... NOW!
Friday night, I had to work the afternoon shift, which didn't get me home until a little later than I would have otherwise liked, but whatever, there's still plenty of time to rock up the night and whatnot. So I get home and start chillin' with my roommie a bit, lookin' to figure out what exactly is on the agenda... we talk it over, start plannin' shit, start makin' calls and whatnot....
So I call up whitewidow in the hopes that she might be able to attend the random stupidity that's likely to ensue at McNally's, but unfortunately her self-centered wench of a roommate manged to put her into a fowl mood, AND she had just found out work had screwed her over for the weekend, so she was in no mood to be social... understandable.
Finally plans are all laid out and shit's goin' on! We hop in the cars (yes, we took both cars, 'cause they're both awesome-sex-tacular, and there's nothing better than driving around in an awesome-sex-tacular car with another awesome-sex-tacular car right beside you), and we head off to pick up the other two that were coming with us. Couple of girls we've known for a while and who are just keen people.
Well, these two girls are the type that can take plans that are already set in motion and planned down to the second and STILL make them take longer than expected... somehow we ended up driving around Moose Jaw for about an hour picking up little shit and making sure everything was as it should be before we left... GAH! Well, whatever, eventually we finally hit the highway and made our way East-bound to the city that rhymes with fun.
Okay, so I was just a little off on my prior comment... there is, in fact, one thing cooler than driving amidst a bunch of awesome-sex-tacularness. When the dude in the other car likes driving as much as you do, and has the same danger-fun gene as you do, driving on the highway for a decent amount of time can be the coolest thing ever! If you've ever seen the Hell Drivers, you'll know what I mean. They're a group of like 10 cars or something equally stupid, and they do a retarded number of kick-ass stunts... skill-driving, ramps, explosions, that kinda deal. Anyway, one of their fun eye-candy stunts is as they're driving around the track in formation, two-by-two, they're weaving in and out of eachother, changing positions seemingly at random, and making it look like the coolest thing on 40 wheels.
Okay, whatever, the point is, my roommie and I are both mildly retarded as soon as we get into a vehicle, and we were doing this kinda shit all the way to Regina, 'cause honestly, that drive is boring as all get out! What was really fun, was the fact that the girls had split up, so one of them was sitting in each car. I don't know about the one in my roommie's car, but the one that came with me was alternating between excitement and "OHMYGODYOU'REGONNAKILLMESTOPDOINGTHATDAMMIT!"... it was GREAT!!!!!

Whew! Alright, so we finally make it to McNally's... and it's PACKED (no surprise), and we STILL managed to find a table (don't know what it is about that bar, but I've always managed to find a table... every time!). And we're chillin', hangin out, enjoying the band (decent, not as good as last week, but decent), and this big dude starts coming over... and he starts chatting with one of the girls.
Now, she obviously knows this dude, but this is the same girl that knows the brick-with-legs that wanted to make me and my roommate resemble hamburger meat last week. So immediately we both look at eachother and think, "Ahh, shit... we're not gonna make it outta this bar alive, are we?"
Well, it turned out this dude and his friend were just about the coolest guys ever! They sat at the table right up until we decided it was time to head out, and we had GREAT conversation with these guys (even though the big dude mentioned he has a Chevy Cobalt... little bastard... I want one).
Anyway we were both pleasently, and very happily relieved, and we buggered off. The drive home was even more eventfull than the drive up... now, of course, we both have just enough alcohol in us to loosen ourselves up a little, which turns out, is a problem... see when we loosen up a little, apparently our feet get a little heavier... and we were still doing the Hell Driver shit all the way home (which didn't take long, considering the needles didn't drop below 130, and that was when we were being cautious)... FUN SHIT!
Okay, okay, so we finally get home and we tired as all hell, so naturally, everybody grabs another drink and sits on the couch. For about an hour we were probably the most sorry sight you've seen in a while... except that we had a lot of fun tormenting the dog with a little stuffed reindeer that sang god-awefull Christmas carols! I tell ya, that dog was as scared of it as any sane person would be... but then again, our dog is a pussy, so whatever.
After our torturous fun, we realized the clock had either stopped many hours ago, or it is in fact 3am... which sucks since we're supposed to be getting in the cars AGAIN and going to S'Toon the next morning... or that morning, however you want to look at it. We had initially planned on rising early and getting out of the city no later than 11 (we had some running around planned for that morning too), but unfortunately neither of us could bring ourselves to greet the day with anything but a single-digit salute until about 11:30... so that plan went down the pipes quick.
So we roused ourselves reluctantly into consiousness... gathered our shit together, got in the cars, got out of the cars, grabbed the shit we had just realized was still sitting in the house, got back in the cars, dropped off the girls and the dog, got some coffee and left... FINALLY!
We didn't get out of town until about one o'clock, and the extensive drive to Toon Town was significantly less interesting than the drive to Regina... however I did come to realize that driving through Qu'Appell Valley at a buck-fourty is retardedly fun! Especially when you crest the second hill and have to pass an oil-tanker... still doing about 130... on uneven asphalt... around a fairly sharp corner... mildly hungover. Good times!

So we make it to S'Toon in a pretty decent 2 hours, and start randomly driving about, 'cause neither of us really know the city that well... lo and behold, what pops before our eyes but Tiger Automotive! WooHoo! As I'm sure most are aware, the two of us have a lot of fun sinking money into our respective vehicles, and confronted with the oportunity to look at more useless shit we can affix to our cars, we readily accept... usually to the utter detriment of our bank accounts.
This was no exception, immediately (or as immediate as any driving in S'Toon would allow), we enter the store and drop to our knees to pay our respects. About an hour of random wandering was capped with my roommate spending a goodly amount of money on new head-light bulbs, and my spending what could have been a college fund on a new Ractive muffler.
Grinning from ear-to-ear and still with no direction as of yet, we leave the store and start wandering the city again... conveniently we happen upon TokyoSeven's place of work and wonder if perchance he might be working. Sure enough he is, and we stop by and pass some idle chit-chat with him for a bit before deciding that we had both been stupid and neglected to bring any clubbin' clothes... GRR!!!
TO THE MALL! We make it to the mall with about 10 minutes to spare before they lock us in for good, and believe it or not, we both actually managed to by complete outfits for ourselves for the night! YAY! New clothes rule!
Okay... this is about the point where we realize we still don't know where we're sleeping for the night... TO THE CARS! We hop in the cars and now start wandering the city in search of a place of rest. Now we both have pretty decent stereos in our cars, and have taken to listening to a fair bit of rap and hip-hop (mostly for the rediculous bass, you realize), so naturally, when a big Holiday Inn Express sign looms over the horizon, we are inexorably drawn to it like the proverbial moth to a flame.
We walk to the front desk and apparently they're all booked up... damn. HOWEVER, she does have two rooms on a 6 o'clock hold, and if we're willing to wait the 15 minutes, there might be something available. Alright, our respective asses are getting tired from driving so much anyway, so we sit and have some complimentary coffee and while away some minutes. Back to the counter at about a 5 after six, and sure enough, we gots ourselves a room....
And WHAT a room! We managed to luck into one of the suites, and I tells ya, it was SCHWEET! BIG room, two TV's (which could both be controlled with one remote!

For one night, we were kings!
Planning from this point was a long and drawn out affair, TokyoSeven was busy helping others moves ('cause he just kicks ass like that), Asthenia was doing the gym thing ('cause her body just kicks ass like that), and various others were just neigh-on impossible to make contact with. However, having said that, eventually people started to arrive, and the night started to rock all that has ever been rocked before.
It was good times filled with glasses being emptied, a camera being snapped, stereos thumpin (which damn near got us kicked out!

That morning was a little rough... but naturally, we slogged our way through it, and after managing to force down some much-needed coffee, we head once again to the mall. BAD idea! BAD BAD BAD idea! First store we hit was one of those little key-cutting places that always seem to have Zippos, flasks, pens and all that other engravable crap that almost no-one ever buys or really needs. Still not sure why we stopped there, but a Zippo, some fluid and two cut-keys later we finally left (oh, but the chick at the counter was cute, did I forget to mention that?). So we finally start to wanderin' again and notice a hat-stand kiosk-typle deally... we're both pretty big into hats and whatnot, so we stop by and peruse the selection... BAM hat bought, and another 20 minutes killed. Oh, and the hat-sellin' chicky was cute...
Off again to wander a bit... Ooo! Bootlegger is open... probably not a good idea, but we go in anyway... roomie grabs some jeans... I contemplate it... he buys the jeans (TWENTY-TWO FUCKIN' DOLLARS!!!!)... I contemplate it some more... but I hate buying jeans... love having them, hate buying them. Hate myself more for not buying $22 jeans... yes, you're more than welcome to call me stupid, I'm well aware. Oh, and the jean-sellin' chicky was uber-cute...
Alright... I think it's time to leave... Oh, shit... SportCheck... not good. So we're wandering around SportCheck... IRELAND SOCCER JERSEY?!?! Holy-fuckin'-shit! Roomie's Irish, and has been willing to take a life to have one, so into the bag it went... right next to the England one I had to buy, naturally... along with the generic Umbro soccer shirt I had to get... and I don't even really like soccer!!! But I love the shirts, so whatever. Oh, and soccer-jersey sellin' dude... not so cute...
But the SportCheck cash-register chicky... very cute!

At that point I think we'd both come to realize that our respective bank-accounts are nearly in tears, beggging us to leave them alone for a bit, so we hop in the cars and make our way home... fuck that can be a long drive with a headache....
*sigh* I like weekends... they're fun!

good jorb.