Well, this weekend was a firm confirmation as to why my roommate and I have made a vow to avoid being in Moose Jaw each weekend from now until sometime September/October ish.
To start the weekend off, we had to run into Winnipeg so that we could drop his parent's car off and pick up his newly acquired underglow kit. Initially we were planning on crashing at his parents place and taking it easy, however recent events made it necessary that we simply get in and out as fast as possible. Once we got to his parent's place, things were good... we sat in the basement, chatted for a couple hours... his mom kept trying to pawn a bunch of stuff off on us (I got a kick-ass polished rail-road spike that had a notch cut out of it to make it into a bottle opener, how cool is that?!).
Anyway, by the time we left Moose Jaw, it was about 1 in the afternoon... not too shabby, we ended up getting into the 'Peg around 8ish local... then up to his parent's about an hour out of town. Well, after the hanging out with his 'rents we had to hit up one of his local friends to drop off a house key, so we never ended up getting out of town until around 1 in the morning... UGH!
What followed was the longest, darkest drive I've done in a long time (my poor car must be pooped by now). We didn't get back home until about 8:30am... promptly followed by SLEEP!!! Sweet Jesus was it ever nice to find my bed again.
So anyway, we both finally wake up around 4pm yesterday and immediately jump into installing his kit. We actually did a damn decent job, and it looks absolutely kick-ass! Then and there we decided we had to head into Regina and hit McNally's (I've finally convinced him it's the best little Irish pub you're likely to find around here).
So we start the prep-work... I still need to shower and pretty myself up a bit, he has to wash and gas-up the car, etc...
So in the midst of this prep-work I call up whitewidow to see if she has any desire to get out of the house for a bit. "Well... I'm not sure, I gotta get ready... get all gussied up..."
"Aww, common!"
"Okay!" (Ain't it great when resistance is futile!
Anyway, by the time the whole lot of us get organized and ready to go (and stop staring at the cars and their underglow for a moment), it's now about 9:30... Not too shabby, so we head on our way.
Now, to fully understand the evening, you have to realize that once something new and pretty and flashy gets put on the car, it has to be driven around every part of the city, so that everyone knows just how cool you really are. In the midst of this "Hey look at me!" driving, we stop off at Timmy's to re-group and come up with a game-plan.
By this point it's now almost 11ish, and my two companions have come to the conclusion that driving out to Regina might not be the best idea... instead they want to drag my sorry ass to the Royal to go dancing... two things that are deffinitely NOT on the top of my list of things to be doing EVER!
So we're standing outside Timmy's, drinkin' our coffees, smokin' our smokes and about ready to go when some guy who has a serious hate-on for my roommate, and his little crony start walking toward us. And they obviously have some purpose to their walk.
Now, this guy has had a hate-on for my roommate for sometime... neither of us are really certain why, but he is just generally displeased with his existance. He comes up to us and starts barking and flexing his muscles. What I find amazing is all the shit he's throwing about has absolutely no basis in fact... to be honest, none of it really had any basis in suspicion either, but that didn't change the fact that he was obviously perturbed about something...
Unfortunately, my roommate and I are in a field of work that would seriously look down upon us getting into a fight in a parking-lot on Main St. And, in fact, this field of work probably wouldn't be too concerned about the fact that in this fight, we would have had our collective asses handed to us on pretty polished silver platters. (These dudes were big... my roommate and I? Not so much.)
Oh, and when all this started, whitewidow decided it was high time she back-off a little and sit in the car for a bit. Not to avoid confrontation, mind you, as you might expect, but to avoid, as she put it, "Shoving my foot into that little dick-head's chin!"
Ain't she grand!
So, anyway, these guys finally decided we'd had enough and buggered off... or they just got tired of waiting for someone to throw the first punch... or something... Who cares? Point is, they buggered off.
So at this point, emotions are running high... adrenaline is flowing freely, and we know damn well that anywhere in Moose Jaw we try to hang out, these assholes will spot the cars and likely have another go, should the urge so strike. So, fuck this, it's not too late, we're going to Regina!
We finally walk through the doors at McNally's at probably about 12:45 or so and actually manage to snag ourselves a table (I know, I didn't believe it either). Thankfully, there was a band playing there last night... not sure their name, but they were a lot of fun. Lots of bluesy/jazzy kinda stuff.
And it was amazing... the three of us, all pissed of at these JB low-lifes earlier, actually managed to sit there, watch some people dance (apparently they'd both lost their desire to cut any rugs), and have a genuinely good time.
Despite the fact that these mother-fuckers felt the need to flex their muscles and try to pick a fight with us, we were actually enjoying our time there. I imagine that would have pissed them off!
Kinda funny, though... had we just sucked it up and went to Regina as planned, none of that shit would have happened. However, I have the distinct impression that had it not happened, we wouldn't have appreciated the good time we did end up having there.
To start the weekend off, we had to run into Winnipeg so that we could drop his parent's car off and pick up his newly acquired underglow kit. Initially we were planning on crashing at his parents place and taking it easy, however recent events made it necessary that we simply get in and out as fast as possible. Once we got to his parent's place, things were good... we sat in the basement, chatted for a couple hours... his mom kept trying to pawn a bunch of stuff off on us (I got a kick-ass polished rail-road spike that had a notch cut out of it to make it into a bottle opener, how cool is that?!).
Anyway, by the time we left Moose Jaw, it was about 1 in the afternoon... not too shabby, we ended up getting into the 'Peg around 8ish local... then up to his parent's about an hour out of town. Well, after the hanging out with his 'rents we had to hit up one of his local friends to drop off a house key, so we never ended up getting out of town until around 1 in the morning... UGH!
What followed was the longest, darkest drive I've done in a long time (my poor car must be pooped by now). We didn't get back home until about 8:30am... promptly followed by SLEEP!!! Sweet Jesus was it ever nice to find my bed again.
So anyway, we both finally wake up around 4pm yesterday and immediately jump into installing his kit. We actually did a damn decent job, and it looks absolutely kick-ass! Then and there we decided we had to head into Regina and hit McNally's (I've finally convinced him it's the best little Irish pub you're likely to find around here).
So we start the prep-work... I still need to shower and pretty myself up a bit, he has to wash and gas-up the car, etc...
So in the midst of this prep-work I call up whitewidow to see if she has any desire to get out of the house for a bit. "Well... I'm not sure, I gotta get ready... get all gussied up..."
"Aww, common!"
"Okay!" (Ain't it great when resistance is futile!

Anyway, by the time the whole lot of us get organized and ready to go (and stop staring at the cars and their underglow for a moment), it's now about 9:30... Not too shabby, so we head on our way.
Now, to fully understand the evening, you have to realize that once something new and pretty and flashy gets put on the car, it has to be driven around every part of the city, so that everyone knows just how cool you really are. In the midst of this "Hey look at me!" driving, we stop off at Timmy's to re-group and come up with a game-plan.
By this point it's now almost 11ish, and my two companions have come to the conclusion that driving out to Regina might not be the best idea... instead they want to drag my sorry ass to the Royal to go dancing... two things that are deffinitely NOT on the top of my list of things to be doing EVER!
So we're standing outside Timmy's, drinkin' our coffees, smokin' our smokes and about ready to go when some guy who has a serious hate-on for my roommate, and his little crony start walking toward us. And they obviously have some purpose to their walk.
Now, this guy has had a hate-on for my roommate for sometime... neither of us are really certain why, but he is just generally displeased with his existance. He comes up to us and starts barking and flexing his muscles. What I find amazing is all the shit he's throwing about has absolutely no basis in fact... to be honest, none of it really had any basis in suspicion either, but that didn't change the fact that he was obviously perturbed about something...
Unfortunately, my roommate and I are in a field of work that would seriously look down upon us getting into a fight in a parking-lot on Main St. And, in fact, this field of work probably wouldn't be too concerned about the fact that in this fight, we would have had our collective asses handed to us on pretty polished silver platters. (These dudes were big... my roommate and I? Not so much.)
Oh, and when all this started, whitewidow decided it was high time she back-off a little and sit in the car for a bit. Not to avoid confrontation, mind you, as you might expect, but to avoid, as she put it, "Shoving my foot into that little dick-head's chin!"

So, anyway, these guys finally decided we'd had enough and buggered off... or they just got tired of waiting for someone to throw the first punch... or something... Who cares? Point is, they buggered off.
So at this point, emotions are running high... adrenaline is flowing freely, and we know damn well that anywhere in Moose Jaw we try to hang out, these assholes will spot the cars and likely have another go, should the urge so strike. So, fuck this, it's not too late, we're going to Regina!
We finally walk through the doors at McNally's at probably about 12:45 or so and actually manage to snag ourselves a table (I know, I didn't believe it either). Thankfully, there was a band playing there last night... not sure their name, but they were a lot of fun. Lots of bluesy/jazzy kinda stuff.
And it was amazing... the three of us, all pissed of at these JB low-lifes earlier, actually managed to sit there, watch some people dance (apparently they'd both lost their desire to cut any rugs), and have a genuinely good time.
Despite the fact that these mother-fuckers felt the need to flex their muscles and try to pick a fight with us, we were actually enjoying our time there. I imagine that would have pissed them off!

Kinda funny, though... had we just sucked it up and went to Regina as planned, none of that shit would have happened. However, I have the distinct impression that had it not happened, we wouldn't have appreciated the good time we did end up having there.
p.s. "it's only gay if the balls touch"