Okay... here it is... gotta try to focus enough to write this now... would have earlier, however my mental capacities over the past few hours have barely been enough to sustain me through watching TV, updating was well out of the picture.
Yesterday = Awesome! Best friggin' day in the past holy shit long time! In preparation for the evening's pending festivities, and concidering it actually looks like warm weather and a lack of snow may in fact persist for a time now, I decided it was high time I got my car washed... I also had groceries to buy, laundry to do, dishes to wash and whitewidows to pick up.
Thankfully my bedroom window faces almost directly south-east and in the precise path the sun likes to travel in it's morning ritual. This means any prospect of sleep beyond oh, about 8:30am is just a silly pipe-dream, and even my dogged persistance isn't enough to change that. So I had ample time through the day to get myself all worked up into a lather anticipating the congregation at DepairFactor's.
So, after throwing some clothes in the washer to do their thing, and playing with TimBit for a while (I love that dog... I could be on my way to save the planet from damnation, and he'd just have to glance at me to make me play with him), I jump into the car and head into town. Now, unfortunately, there's really only one car-wash in town that I ever go to (all the others are wand-washes, and that's WAY too much effort!), and this day, being the first weekend of good weather that promised to stick around for a while, everybody else in Moose Jaw decided it was time to wash their cars too. However, it's still early morn, I have plenty of time, and no pressing appointments, so I happily sat in the car giving a concert to all passers-by that could hear my stereo (which is to say, most people within a three-block radius).
After the joy that was the car-wash, I decided I needed food. Old Mother Hubbard had nothing on me yesterday... the only well-fed person in the house was Timbit, and my two slices of toast in the morning ensured I would be eating nothing until I got off my ass and did something about it. The grocery shopping was about as boring as it sounds, though there was this one cute blonde I kept bumping into at seemingly every store I went to. None too bright, but she was easy on the eyes.
Then to home and onto house work. Following a particularily energetic welcome from the dog (apparently I'd been gone just a little too long), I went on to wash dishes for what seemed an enternity. Right in the midst of my dish-washing adventures I hear the welcome, albeit rare sound of the phone ringing... "Phone ringing?? My phone never rings..."
Whose pleasing voice graces my ear on the other end but whitewidow's. A pleasing distraction, thinks I to myself, from a tedious chore. However, through the conversation I come to learn our dear friend is suddenly unable to attend our soon-to-be get-together. With a tear in my eye, and after about an hour of chatting, I finally hang up the phone and get back to work.
By this time it's starting to round 3:30pm or so, and I'm starting to realize that the coming festivities are coming faster and faster. Eeee! Now I'm getting excited, which is a problem considering I'm still handling wet glasses and only half paying attention to what I'm doing.
Finally I finish the house-work (Blah!), and I can now focus on things more directly associated with my having a kick-ass time somewhere other than Moose Jaw. Get dressed, brush my teeth, comb the hair, put a hat on, wonder why I went through the effort of combing my hair only to put a hat on, get in the car, and start to drive.
And drive... and drive... and drive... Man! That is the most boring drive on earth when going it alone. *sigh*
Finally I arrive and am greeted with the lovely scent of peanut-butter cookies. Oooo!
Fun-times then ensued, the likes of which the many pictures taken will be able to describe better than I could ever hope to. I seem to recall an in-ordinate number of crotch-shots taking place... oh dear.
I also came to realize last night that no matter how well-intentioned, should one's background involve a great number of years growing up in the maritimes, as soon as drinking games start, there's no hope in hell of you making it home that night. Later that night... actually... earlier this morning, by that time, I stumble my way into bed. Biggest-est, most comfyest-est bed on Earth, I tells ya! This thing was huge! And lying down in it felt like you were being sucked into the bowels of Earth... this is a good thing.
I don't think I was lying down for any more than a minute before the folds of sleep overtook me and sent me off to dream-land. Waking up at around 11:30 this morning, however, was not nearly as smooth as going to sleep the prior evening... the moment I stood up, I realized that my blood-alcohol ratio is still hovering around 1:1, and promptly sat back down.
Somebody, I'm not sure who, had the glorious idea to go get some breakfast at this point. "Breffast. Breffast! BREFFAST!!" I believe was the exact wording, though I can't be sure of that.
After bidding a fond farewell to all that were unable to attend said 'breffast', Angelus_am_I, and myself made our way to Smitty's to await DespairFactor's arrival. Once we took note of the fact that it's 10 minutes before she has to work, we figure, she prolly ain't coming... let's get food.
And a good thing we did too! I ate a grand total of 4 strips of bacon and one bite of pancake before realizing that horrible feeling in my stomach is probably a sign I shouldn't be eating quite yet. So we leave and decide we have to go see DespairFactor at work, since she missed our amazing breffast. Bad idea! I now know that the only thing a person need do to sell me anything at all is stand there and look pretty. Once you've got that down, I'm sold. I walked out of that store with 3 belts, two hats, and two necklaces... yeah, I don't know why, either!
After another fond farewell, we then headed back to party-central to do a bit of a clean-up. Surprisingly not much to do, considering how long the night went on, and how retarded some of the attendees became (Swear to god! I hadn't planned on drinking at ALL!). Then back, finally, into the car... and drive.... and drive... and drive....
(By the by, ever wonder what it's like to be able to feel each and every one of your own synapses? I don't.)
Yesterday = Awesome! Best friggin' day in the past holy shit long time! In preparation for the evening's pending festivities, and concidering it actually looks like warm weather and a lack of snow may in fact persist for a time now, I decided it was high time I got my car washed... I also had groceries to buy, laundry to do, dishes to wash and whitewidows to pick up.
Thankfully my bedroom window faces almost directly south-east and in the precise path the sun likes to travel in it's morning ritual. This means any prospect of sleep beyond oh, about 8:30am is just a silly pipe-dream, and even my dogged persistance isn't enough to change that. So I had ample time through the day to get myself all worked up into a lather anticipating the congregation at DepairFactor's.
So, after throwing some clothes in the washer to do their thing, and playing with TimBit for a while (I love that dog... I could be on my way to save the planet from damnation, and he'd just have to glance at me to make me play with him), I jump into the car and head into town. Now, unfortunately, there's really only one car-wash in town that I ever go to (all the others are wand-washes, and that's WAY too much effort!), and this day, being the first weekend of good weather that promised to stick around for a while, everybody else in Moose Jaw decided it was time to wash their cars too. However, it's still early morn, I have plenty of time, and no pressing appointments, so I happily sat in the car giving a concert to all passers-by that could hear my stereo (which is to say, most people within a three-block radius).
After the joy that was the car-wash, I decided I needed food. Old Mother Hubbard had nothing on me yesterday... the only well-fed person in the house was Timbit, and my two slices of toast in the morning ensured I would be eating nothing until I got off my ass and did something about it. The grocery shopping was about as boring as it sounds, though there was this one cute blonde I kept bumping into at seemingly every store I went to. None too bright, but she was easy on the eyes.
Then to home and onto house work. Following a particularily energetic welcome from the dog (apparently I'd been gone just a little too long), I went on to wash dishes for what seemed an enternity. Right in the midst of my dish-washing adventures I hear the welcome, albeit rare sound of the phone ringing... "Phone ringing?? My phone never rings..."
Whose pleasing voice graces my ear on the other end but whitewidow's. A pleasing distraction, thinks I to myself, from a tedious chore. However, through the conversation I come to learn our dear friend is suddenly unable to attend our soon-to-be get-together. With a tear in my eye, and after about an hour of chatting, I finally hang up the phone and get back to work.
By this time it's starting to round 3:30pm or so, and I'm starting to realize that the coming festivities are coming faster and faster. Eeee! Now I'm getting excited, which is a problem considering I'm still handling wet glasses and only half paying attention to what I'm doing.
Finally I finish the house-work (Blah!), and I can now focus on things more directly associated with my having a kick-ass time somewhere other than Moose Jaw. Get dressed, brush my teeth, comb the hair, put a hat on, wonder why I went through the effort of combing my hair only to put a hat on, get in the car, and start to drive.
And drive... and drive... and drive... Man! That is the most boring drive on earth when going it alone. *sigh*
Finally I arrive and am greeted with the lovely scent of peanut-butter cookies. Oooo!

I also came to realize last night that no matter how well-intentioned, should one's background involve a great number of years growing up in the maritimes, as soon as drinking games start, there's no hope in hell of you making it home that night. Later that night... actually... earlier this morning, by that time, I stumble my way into bed. Biggest-est, most comfyest-est bed on Earth, I tells ya! This thing was huge! And lying down in it felt like you were being sucked into the bowels of Earth... this is a good thing.
I don't think I was lying down for any more than a minute before the folds of sleep overtook me and sent me off to dream-land. Waking up at around 11:30 this morning, however, was not nearly as smooth as going to sleep the prior evening... the moment I stood up, I realized that my blood-alcohol ratio is still hovering around 1:1, and promptly sat back down.
Somebody, I'm not sure who, had the glorious idea to go get some breakfast at this point. "Breffast. Breffast! BREFFAST!!" I believe was the exact wording, though I can't be sure of that.
After bidding a fond farewell to all that were unable to attend said 'breffast', Angelus_am_I, and myself made our way to Smitty's to await DespairFactor's arrival. Once we took note of the fact that it's 10 minutes before she has to work, we figure, she prolly ain't coming... let's get food.
And a good thing we did too! I ate a grand total of 4 strips of bacon and one bite of pancake before realizing that horrible feeling in my stomach is probably a sign I shouldn't be eating quite yet. So we leave and decide we have to go see DespairFactor at work, since she missed our amazing breffast. Bad idea! I now know that the only thing a person need do to sell me anything at all is stand there and look pretty. Once you've got that down, I'm sold. I walked out of that store with 3 belts, two hats, and two necklaces... yeah, I don't know why, either!
After another fond farewell, we then headed back to party-central to do a bit of a clean-up. Surprisingly not much to do, considering how long the night went on, and how retarded some of the attendees became (Swear to god! I hadn't planned on drinking at ALL!). Then back, finally, into the car... and drive.... and drive... and drive....
(By the by, ever wonder what it's like to be able to feel each and every one of your own synapses? I don't.)
Seeeee - I told you they were great people