That last update was crap! It was useless, and I appologize. So here's the deal, this weekend was dumb, and in an attempt to make sure that I didn't bore you all with mindless drivel, I made sure not to update unless I had something to say. Unfortunately, the need to update grew too strong and I caved. I figured something would come out if I just sat at the keyboard and typed.
Well, something came out... and it was CRAP! And I appologize (did I say that already?). So in an attempt to make it up to my faithful followers (I have faithful followers?? How weird is that!), I update... properly this time.
So, being Easter weekend, naturally, people like to go home to visit family, friends and pets. Living on a military base pretty much ensures that almost none of the neighbours that I've come to recognize are actually FROM around here, which means that, come a long weekend, most of them are gone somewhere.
My room-mate is no exception. Given the opportunity to jump ship and make his way home, he gladly accepts. Only this time he REALLY accepted... he decided he needed a bit of a break from life on the base and took the following week off as well.
Good for him, he's been needing it, and I think it'll do him a lot of good. However, it's made the house particularily lonely, and honestly, one can only enjoy the single-minded adoration of a puppy for so long before it gets tiresome. This, of course, means that most of the weekend was spent thinking, I gotta get out of the house, maybe I should call someone and go play pool or something. Naturally, I immediately start running through the list...
"Ben (my roomie) likes pool... hrm... Ben's probably enjoying pool in Winterpeg, though. Okay... OH! I should give whitewidow a call! No, wait, that's right, she's taking care of her mommy. Okay... Tami, then? Haven't seen her in a while, maybe I should touch-base with her again... Nope! Dammit! She's skiing in Banff... OH, that's right! Jimmy came up from Nova Scotia this weekend! Gotta get some quality chillin' time in with him before he goes home again. Ahh, right, he came up here to go skiing with Tami.... *sigh*"
Where, then does this leave me?
I didn't know either... neither did Timbit (da puppy), though he was perfectly happy to sit on the floor with his chin on my knee and stare at me untill I threw his tennis-ball one last time.
Right about now, I can feel the boredom swell within me to the point that I think my head is going to explode from lack of excitement. FUCK IT! I'm gettin' out of the house...
Hop into the car, drive around aimlessly, killing a grand total of about one hour, and wonder still what I should do to alieviate my continuing ennui.
"What do I usually do when I'm bored?"
"Well, drink, actually, but you have to work in the morning."
"Right. Okay then, barring the ability to drink, what do I usually do when I'm bored?"
"... watch..movies?"
"AHH! That's it! Blockbuster it is!"
Lemme tell ya, for one with not too much money to spare, and a lot of boredom coursing through one's veins, Blockbuster is NOT the solution! Wandering about the racks upon racks of movies, it comes to my attention that Hollywood hasn't put anything out in the past six months that has even remotely piqued my interest.
Okay, well, let's go farther back in time then... Oo! Highlander 2! Still haven't seen that (at the constant warnings and snorts of derision from my mother). Hrm, could be a waste of money, my mom is a good judge of movies...
Unfortunately, boredom can do some strange things to one's brain, and against all urgings of that little part of the brain that is made up entirely of common sense, I rented it.
Knowing that one movie would do little to relieve me of my current condition I went wandering once again. I decided that anime would make for a good counter-part to what promised to be a rather lackluster film. "Hellsing, eh? Well, there are a number of other movies here that I've been meaning to watch... hell with it (pardon the pun), vampires and blood and gore are exactly what I need!" So it, too was added to the list.
Now, movies are grand and all, don't get me wrong, and with two of them I should be able to kill a decent amount of time, however, this is a particularly long weekend, being that we have Monday off as well. A game! That's what I need.
"Oo! Mercenary... new game, good reviews, and I'm actually interested in it... alright, sold."
....And on to the reviews...
- Highlander 2: The Renegade Version - What happens when directors get their hands on a movie that was taken from them before the end of production. They had attempted to re-edit the movie into what they had originally wanted in the first place, before the producers yanked control from them. Sorry, guys, still sucks. Highlander 2 will always be a stain that marrs the face of Highlander until the end of time. It can't be un-filmed.
- Hellsing - Damn! Now I remember why I started watching anime in high-school. The first disc has three episodes on it, and after the first I could only think, "Shit! How much style and cool can they cram into a half-hour show?!" Good enough that the next night I grabbed the other three discs. Like vampires? Like anime? Like the good guy having just a slight edge of evil? Get Hellsing, good stuff all around.
- Mercenary - Also a winner (thank god!). I was so looking forward to this game, if it had fallen anywhere short of my expectations I would have had to return it the very same night. Think GTA III/Vice City/San Andreas meets Call of Duty/Medal of Honour/etc. Awesome game, get it and enjoy.
Well, there it is, a proper update. Sorry it's so long, and sorry for that piece of crap that will forever shame me for even being in my profile's history. I'll be sure not make the mistake of trying to update when I just don't have anything to say again.
Be well!
Well, something came out... and it was CRAP! And I appologize (did I say that already?). So in an attempt to make it up to my faithful followers (I have faithful followers?? How weird is that!), I update... properly this time.
So, being Easter weekend, naturally, people like to go home to visit family, friends and pets. Living on a military base pretty much ensures that almost none of the neighbours that I've come to recognize are actually FROM around here, which means that, come a long weekend, most of them are gone somewhere.
My room-mate is no exception. Given the opportunity to jump ship and make his way home, he gladly accepts. Only this time he REALLY accepted... he decided he needed a bit of a break from life on the base and took the following week off as well.
Good for him, he's been needing it, and I think it'll do him a lot of good. However, it's made the house particularily lonely, and honestly, one can only enjoy the single-minded adoration of a puppy for so long before it gets tiresome. This, of course, means that most of the weekend was spent thinking, I gotta get out of the house, maybe I should call someone and go play pool or something. Naturally, I immediately start running through the list...
"Ben (my roomie) likes pool... hrm... Ben's probably enjoying pool in Winterpeg, though. Okay... OH! I should give whitewidow a call! No, wait, that's right, she's taking care of her mommy. Okay... Tami, then? Haven't seen her in a while, maybe I should touch-base with her again... Nope! Dammit! She's skiing in Banff... OH, that's right! Jimmy came up from Nova Scotia this weekend! Gotta get some quality chillin' time in with him before he goes home again. Ahh, right, he came up here to go skiing with Tami.... *sigh*"
Where, then does this leave me?
I didn't know either... neither did Timbit (da puppy), though he was perfectly happy to sit on the floor with his chin on my knee and stare at me untill I threw his tennis-ball one last time.
Right about now, I can feel the boredom swell within me to the point that I think my head is going to explode from lack of excitement. FUCK IT! I'm gettin' out of the house...
Hop into the car, drive around aimlessly, killing a grand total of about one hour, and wonder still what I should do to alieviate my continuing ennui.
"What do I usually do when I'm bored?"
"Well, drink, actually, but you have to work in the morning."
"Right. Okay then, barring the ability to drink, what do I usually do when I'm bored?"
"... watch..movies?"
"AHH! That's it! Blockbuster it is!"
Lemme tell ya, for one with not too much money to spare, and a lot of boredom coursing through one's veins, Blockbuster is NOT the solution! Wandering about the racks upon racks of movies, it comes to my attention that Hollywood hasn't put anything out in the past six months that has even remotely piqued my interest.
Okay, well, let's go farther back in time then... Oo! Highlander 2! Still haven't seen that (at the constant warnings and snorts of derision from my mother). Hrm, could be a waste of money, my mom is a good judge of movies...
Unfortunately, boredom can do some strange things to one's brain, and against all urgings of that little part of the brain that is made up entirely of common sense, I rented it.
Knowing that one movie would do little to relieve me of my current condition I went wandering once again. I decided that anime would make for a good counter-part to what promised to be a rather lackluster film. "Hellsing, eh? Well, there are a number of other movies here that I've been meaning to watch... hell with it (pardon the pun), vampires and blood and gore are exactly what I need!" So it, too was added to the list.
Now, movies are grand and all, don't get me wrong, and with two of them I should be able to kill a decent amount of time, however, this is a particularly long weekend, being that we have Monday off as well. A game! That's what I need.
"Oo! Mercenary... new game, good reviews, and I'm actually interested in it... alright, sold."
....And on to the reviews...
- Highlander 2: The Renegade Version - What happens when directors get their hands on a movie that was taken from them before the end of production. They had attempted to re-edit the movie into what they had originally wanted in the first place, before the producers yanked control from them. Sorry, guys, still sucks. Highlander 2 will always be a stain that marrs the face of Highlander until the end of time. It can't be un-filmed.
- Hellsing - Damn! Now I remember why I started watching anime in high-school. The first disc has three episodes on it, and after the first I could only think, "Shit! How much style and cool can they cram into a half-hour show?!" Good enough that the next night I grabbed the other three discs. Like vampires? Like anime? Like the good guy having just a slight edge of evil? Get Hellsing, good stuff all around.
- Mercenary - Also a winner (thank god!). I was so looking forward to this game, if it had fallen anywhere short of my expectations I would have had to return it the very same night. Think GTA III/Vice City/San Andreas meets Call of Duty/Medal of Honour/etc. Awesome game, get it and enjoy.
Well, there it is, a proper update. Sorry it's so long, and sorry for that piece of crap that will forever shame me for even being in my profile's history. I'll be sure not make the mistake of trying to update when I just don't have anything to say again.

Be well!
NO MORE NEON TALK! I'm getting the shakes here.
I'm good.