So, last Monday, I'm just about ready to walk out the door on my way to work, and I hurt my back. I hurt my back bad enough that I was entirely unable to actually go to work for two days (should have been three, but I said 'Fuck it, I'm goin' to work!').
Wanna know how I hurt my back? Tying my fucking BOOTS, for cryin' out loud!!! Who the hell hurts their back tying their damn boots?! How stupid is that!!
Okay, so as I said, couldn't go to work for two days. Big deal, right? Most people would be all 'Yay! I don't gotta go to work!'. Unfortunately, most people don't enjoy their job as much as I enjoy mine, which ultimately led to my being rather pissed off for two days, lying on the couch with a hot-pack under me, thinking to myself, 'I was tying my boots, man! How the hell do you hurt yourself tying your boots?!'
So finally, yesterday, I wake up fairly early in the morning and find that I'm not about to break into tears as I reach for my alarm. I think 'Yay! I can work!!' So I get myself into the MIR (Medical Inspection Room, where whitewidow works, actually) so the Doc can give me a chit saying I can work. Unfortunately they had given me muscle relaxants so as to speed along the recovery process (well, to be fair, I was all smiles at the time, they was some good pills I tells ya!), and this meant that I could go to work, yes... however, I couldn't actually do the job I was trained to do, since this drug they gave me has a tendancy to stay in the system for quite some time... GRR!!!
Believe it or don't, that's not even the worst of it. See, in a bizzar twist of fate, one of the guys I work with got sick over the weekend... like, can't leave the bed kinda sick... and it stuck with him through Mon/Tue/Wed. This meant that our Sergeant has spent all week revising and re-revising the schedule to meet the challenge of having two of his people on sick-leave. This meant that when I went into work yesterday, I knew what my schedule was for yesterday and that was about it.
Slightly before I finished work, my Sergeant calls me up and tells me, "Okay, if the Doc says you can work Ground Controll by Friday afternoon, then you'll be working on Saturday, otherwise you'll just be working Friday morning."
ARG! Now I'm going to have to work on Saturday?! But but but, I wanna go out on Friday!!!
Okay, okay fine! I knew this was a part of life in the military... max-flex and all that, but still!
So now I'm pissed, I'm still in pain ('cause I totally lied to the Doc and said my back was fine), and I may have to work the weekend... THEN I go into work this afternoon and check the schedule (on the admittedly hopefull chance that maybe, just maybe it's been changed)... and... I'm not scheduled to work Friday OR Saturday...
Bewildered and somewhat taken aback, I call up my Sergeant immediately to make sure he hasn't made some mistake and... well... he didn't... I'm NOT actually working tomorrow OR Saturday... AND my back is finally starting to feel fine.
Um.... YAY!
Wanna know how I hurt my back? Tying my fucking BOOTS, for cryin' out loud!!! Who the hell hurts their back tying their damn boots?! How stupid is that!!
Okay, so as I said, couldn't go to work for two days. Big deal, right? Most people would be all 'Yay! I don't gotta go to work!'. Unfortunately, most people don't enjoy their job as much as I enjoy mine, which ultimately led to my being rather pissed off for two days, lying on the couch with a hot-pack under me, thinking to myself, 'I was tying my boots, man! How the hell do you hurt yourself tying your boots?!'
So finally, yesterday, I wake up fairly early in the morning and find that I'm not about to break into tears as I reach for my alarm. I think 'Yay! I can work!!' So I get myself into the MIR (Medical Inspection Room, where whitewidow works, actually) so the Doc can give me a chit saying I can work. Unfortunately they had given me muscle relaxants so as to speed along the recovery process (well, to be fair, I was all smiles at the time, they was some good pills I tells ya!), and this meant that I could go to work, yes... however, I couldn't actually do the job I was trained to do, since this drug they gave me has a tendancy to stay in the system for quite some time... GRR!!!

Believe it or don't, that's not even the worst of it. See, in a bizzar twist of fate, one of the guys I work with got sick over the weekend... like, can't leave the bed kinda sick... and it stuck with him through Mon/Tue/Wed. This meant that our Sergeant has spent all week revising and re-revising the schedule to meet the challenge of having two of his people on sick-leave. This meant that when I went into work yesterday, I knew what my schedule was for yesterday and that was about it.
Slightly before I finished work, my Sergeant calls me up and tells me, "Okay, if the Doc says you can work Ground Controll by Friday afternoon, then you'll be working on Saturday, otherwise you'll just be working Friday morning."
ARG! Now I'm going to have to work on Saturday?! But but but, I wanna go out on Friday!!!

So now I'm pissed, I'm still in pain ('cause I totally lied to the Doc and said my back was fine), and I may have to work the weekend... THEN I go into work this afternoon and check the schedule (on the admittedly hopefull chance that maybe, just maybe it's been changed)... and... I'm not scheduled to work Friday OR Saturday...
Bewildered and somewhat taken aback, I call up my Sergeant immediately to make sure he hasn't made some mistake and... well... he didn't... I'm NOT actually working tomorrow OR Saturday... AND my back is finally starting to feel fine.
Um.... YAY!

u mean McNally's? 

i forgot about those other 2