Ever have one of those weekends where you get to hang out with, like, all kinds of sexy, sexy ladies and have yourself a fucking fantabulous time for the ENTIRE weekend? Well I did, and lets me tell you, the cute-ness I got to hang out with this weekend was world-class!
So the fun and shinannigans start out at a rather slow house-party Friday night. Like slow to the point where I was able to spend the entire time taking pictures, and all but two of them were absolutely useless... just boring, boring shots I tells ya. Gah! I think I was nearing insanity by the time we left what with all the boring and such. BUT to make things all better, we all decided to bugger off to the gay-bar for some dancin' and carryin' on... or at least, those of us that were legal, anyway! *shakes head* Fuckin' twelve year-olds.
One of them actually asked if he could play with my camera for a bit! That's right, he actually used the word 'play'!!
Me: "Nope."
Stupid twelve year-old: "My aunt was a professional photographer."
Me: "Congradu-frickin'-lations. No." (I felt it would just be a *little* to childish to say, "Yeah?! Well my DAD has been a professional photographer longer than you've been alive!"... though I REALLY wanted to!)
Stupid twelve year-old: "I've been taking pictures since I was five."
Me: "Again, congradu-frickin'-lations. No." (Childish answer that I REALLY wanted to say: "Two years of fartin' around with a point & shoot does not constitute photography.")
Gah! I hate arrogant, snotty teenage shit-heads! And yes, I was one of them, that's partially the reason I hate them so much. I've already gotten into the trouble that being an arrogant prick can get one into, and it drives me nuts to see kids acting as dumb as I did when I was their age and invincible (I was WAY more invincible than these little snot-heads will ever be, why can't they just learn that and accept it, rather than try to take the crown???).
Anyway, the bar was stupid-fun! Dancing for god only knows how long! Some of my muscles are still sore from all the dancing this weekend! Pshew! Good times.
Finally Saturday rolls around, as it is wont to do following a Friday night, and MistressMinx and I get to stand in line for... oh.. about an hour waiting to buy tickets for the up-coming Nickleback concert... and they weren't even for us!!! Ahh well... I have little enough desire to see Nickleback in concert, but I would gladly pay the $55.50 to see Live open for them... man, that'd be good times...
Afterwards, much running about town ensued, in preparation for the festivities that would be happening that night. That's right, I speak of no other festivities than the lovely Ms. Dolce's Birthday Bash shinannigans! And what fun they were. A pleasant dinner at Moxie's, in which our entire table spent most of their time laughing and just generally disturbing the other patrons. Though I suspect most of the disturbing came from the fantastic boob-crown that MistressMinx brought for her. They should all just be glad she didn't un-veil the gifts that she and I got for her in the middle of the restaurant!
Following the dinner it was politely noted that the two young girls at the table across from us had rather interesting deserts brought out to them (in other words: "Holy crap!! That's the coolest thing I've ever seen!!!!"). The "interesting deserts I'm refering to happened to be two bowls of Jell-o that just happened to have smoke billowing out from around them. After much admiration and jaw-dropping awe (and giggling from the two young girls from all the attention they're getting), one of us finally managed to compose ourselves long enough to ask the waitress if we could order some of "That, those things over there! They're so COOL!!"
After still more giggling (from the waitress this time), we finally convince her to bring 5 of those fabulous dishes our way, and I'm pretty sure there was a victory dance in there somewhere once they came.
I'm thinking I'm going to have to find myself there again sometime, if only to have another of those fantastic creations!
Shortly there-after we finally gathered ourselves together and made our way to O'Hanlon's to meet up with the (sadly) grey Maclay, and still more fun and frivolity ensued. Hottness abound in that place! Holy crap! There was more hottness there than you could shake a stick at (pun FULLY intended). Lamentably, due to the low light in there, none of the hottest pictures that I managed to take turned out at all... I think I was just quivering and couldn't keep the camera still, but I can't be sure.
The gay-bar followed later on and still more hottness to round out the night... unfortunately by this point I was so tired from the night previous, and so fucked up from the alcohol that night, that most of the night is just a blur (kinda like the hott pictures I took at O'Hanlon's). However I do recall with some certainty that it was a good time, despite the blurriness.
Oh, and I almost forgot (okay, I lie, I just wanted to save it for last), amongst all the running about that occured just before the Birthday shinannigans I found myself at Don's Photo... bad idea... and I knew it was, even while the "kid-in-a-candy-store" in me was telling me that it was a GREAT idea. Anyway, I walked out with an AWESOME new lens... and more debt, but an AWESOME lens!!!!
For those of you wondering (although I know you are few!
), I got the Canon 50mm f/1.8... never thought I'd buy a prime lens, but the advantages to it (including the price!) are just too great to pass up.
Just as a fer-instance, check out the depth-of-field in this shot...
!!!! It's like an inch and a half!!!! I fuckin' LOVE this lens!!!!
Oh, and another fine example...
Okay, so that one's photo-shoped, and really tells you nothing about the lens... but look at all that cute-ness, will you?!?!
Okay, I'm done. Go about your day.
(Edited to add: More pics in pics folder... they're under... ah, hell, if you're too retarded to figure it out, you don't deserve to see the pictures.)
(Edited to further add: The previous comment was in no way meant to demean, offend, or belittle retarded people. The people responsible for the previous comment have been sacked. Retarded people are people too, and deserve to see pictures just as much as everyone else. However, this doesn't apply to Carnies, who have no right to see any pictures, ever! Creepy frickin' Carnies.)
(Edited again to further add: We must humbly appologise to all Carnies, the people responsible this second comment have also been sacked. As a precautionary measure, the people responsible for sacking people have also been sacked. Have a good day.)
(Edited yet again to still further add: We would also like to thank the comedy troupe Monty Python for coming up with the "Sacking" schtick we so blatantly, and un-appologetically stole from them. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.)
(Edited one final time: To add a bunch of HTML code, even though I hate it, 'cause it looks cool, and I'm a nerd.)
So the fun and shinannigans start out at a rather slow house-party Friday night. Like slow to the point where I was able to spend the entire time taking pictures, and all but two of them were absolutely useless... just boring, boring shots I tells ya. Gah! I think I was nearing insanity by the time we left what with all the boring and such. BUT to make things all better, we all decided to bugger off to the gay-bar for some dancin' and carryin' on... or at least, those of us that were legal, anyway! *shakes head* Fuckin' twelve year-olds.
One of them actually asked if he could play with my camera for a bit! That's right, he actually used the word 'play'!!
Me: "Nope."
Stupid twelve year-old: "My aunt was a professional photographer."
Me: "Congradu-frickin'-lations. No." (I felt it would just be a *little* to childish to say, "Yeah?! Well my DAD has been a professional photographer longer than you've been alive!"... though I REALLY wanted to!)
Stupid twelve year-old: "I've been taking pictures since I was five."
Me: "Again, congradu-frickin'-lations. No." (Childish answer that I REALLY wanted to say: "Two years of fartin' around with a point & shoot does not constitute photography.")
Gah! I hate arrogant, snotty teenage shit-heads! And yes, I was one of them, that's partially the reason I hate them so much. I've already gotten into the trouble that being an arrogant prick can get one into, and it drives me nuts to see kids acting as dumb as I did when I was their age and invincible (I was WAY more invincible than these little snot-heads will ever be, why can't they just learn that and accept it, rather than try to take the crown???).
Anyway, the bar was stupid-fun! Dancing for god only knows how long! Some of my muscles are still sore from all the dancing this weekend! Pshew! Good times.
Finally Saturday rolls around, as it is wont to do following a Friday night, and MistressMinx and I get to stand in line for... oh.. about an hour waiting to buy tickets for the up-coming Nickleback concert... and they weren't even for us!!! Ahh well... I have little enough desire to see Nickleback in concert, but I would gladly pay the $55.50 to see Live open for them... man, that'd be good times...
Afterwards, much running about town ensued, in preparation for the festivities that would be happening that night. That's right, I speak of no other festivities than the lovely Ms. Dolce's Birthday Bash shinannigans! And what fun they were. A pleasant dinner at Moxie's, in which our entire table spent most of their time laughing and just generally disturbing the other patrons. Though I suspect most of the disturbing came from the fantastic boob-crown that MistressMinx brought for her. They should all just be glad she didn't un-veil the gifts that she and I got for her in the middle of the restaurant!

Following the dinner it was politely noted that the two young girls at the table across from us had rather interesting deserts brought out to them (in other words: "Holy crap!! That's the coolest thing I've ever seen!!!!"). The "interesting deserts I'm refering to happened to be two bowls of Jell-o that just happened to have smoke billowing out from around them. After much admiration and jaw-dropping awe (and giggling from the two young girls from all the attention they're getting), one of us finally managed to compose ourselves long enough to ask the waitress if we could order some of "That, those things over there! They're so COOL!!"
After still more giggling (from the waitress this time), we finally convince her to bring 5 of those fabulous dishes our way, and I'm pretty sure there was a victory dance in there somewhere once they came.
I'm thinking I'm going to have to find myself there again sometime, if only to have another of those fantastic creations!
Shortly there-after we finally gathered ourselves together and made our way to O'Hanlon's to meet up with the (sadly) grey Maclay, and still more fun and frivolity ensued. Hottness abound in that place! Holy crap! There was more hottness there than you could shake a stick at (pun FULLY intended). Lamentably, due to the low light in there, none of the hottest pictures that I managed to take turned out at all... I think I was just quivering and couldn't keep the camera still, but I can't be sure.
The gay-bar followed later on and still more hottness to round out the night... unfortunately by this point I was so tired from the night previous, and so fucked up from the alcohol that night, that most of the night is just a blur (kinda like the hott pictures I took at O'Hanlon's). However I do recall with some certainty that it was a good time, despite the blurriness.
Oh, and I almost forgot (okay, I lie, I just wanted to save it for last), amongst all the running about that occured just before the Birthday shinannigans I found myself at Don's Photo... bad idea... and I knew it was, even while the "kid-in-a-candy-store" in me was telling me that it was a GREAT idea. Anyway, I walked out with an AWESOME new lens... and more debt, but an AWESOME lens!!!!

For those of you wondering (although I know you are few!

Just as a fer-instance, check out the depth-of-field in this shot...

!!!! It's like an inch and a half!!!! I fuckin' LOVE this lens!!!!
Oh, and another fine example...

Okay, so that one's photo-shoped, and really tells you nothing about the lens... but look at all that cute-ness, will you?!?!
Okay, I'm done. Go about your day.

(Edited to add: More pics in pics folder... they're under... ah, hell, if you're too retarded to figure it out, you don't deserve to see the pictures.)
(Edited to further add: The previous comment was in no way meant to demean, offend, or belittle retarded people. The people responsible for the previous comment have been sacked. Retarded people are people too, and deserve to see pictures just as much as everyone else. However, this doesn't apply to Carnies, who have no right to see any pictures, ever! Creepy frickin' Carnies.)
(Edited again to further add: We must humbly appologise to all Carnies, the people responsible this second comment have also been sacked. As a precautionary measure, the people responsible for sacking people have also been sacked. Have a good day.)
(Edited yet again to still further add: We would also like to thank the comedy troupe Monty Python for coming up with the "Sacking" schtick we so blatantly, and un-appologetically stole from them. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.)
(Edited one final time: To add a bunch of HTML code, even though I hate it, 'cause it looks cool, and I'm a nerd.)
are you feeling old yet? cuz you are gettin' kinda old...